Thursday, January 9, 2020
How Far Is Too Far When It Comes Privacy - 972 Words
How far is too far when it comes to privacy? In a rapidly developing digital age, the boundaries are constantly expanding as new technology emerges. Data mining is not going away, so the debate on privacy becomes increasingly relevant. The line between what is ethical and unethical quickly become blurred, and certain entities are bound to take advantage of that gray area. Corporations claim they are collecting private data for marketing research to serve more relevant advertising and increase profits. Despite the marketing benefits of digital data collection, it is unethical for corporations to collect private digital data without taking proper measures to protect privacy. Our digital age and its progressiveness create a problem. 25 years ago, the public was introduced to the web. Since then, many companies have taken the initiative to expand and control it. Entire companies now exist exclusively online. Other companies profit from consumers just using the internet. Companies provi de the service and people pay for it, which seems simple in theory; however, most of those companies are not forthright with their data collection policies. They lack transparency. These companies collect the data for various reasons, the biggest is marketing research. They collect an exceptional amount of data, creating a problem for the consumer. One danger created is the capability to combine data gathered through web interaction with public records and census data (Ward, Rongione, andShow MoreRelatedProtection Against Illigal Search of Possessions962 Words  | 4 PagesWould you want to have Federal agents come into your home and begin searching your possessions? Is exposing what you have inside your home, either personal belongings or simple everyday items to someone whom you do not know uncomfortable? In which situations should these searches occur without a warrant and do they violate the Fourth Amendment? There are many questions similar to these being debated at national level. The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution states that the governmentRead MorePublic Figures and Private Lives838 Words  | 4 Pagesfamous actor, singer, etc. However, the real idea people need to be thinking about is, are you willing to give up your privacy and freedom? Once one becomes known to the public so does their entire life, whether one likes it or not. Take a look at Britney Spears; there is nothing about her life that is not public. Should this be a bad thing? Or should these public figure have their privacy? I think not. These celebrities came into the public eye for a reason, and one reason only, to be known. 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Screenshot via Microsoft The problems start with Microsoft’s ominous privacy policy, which is now included in the Windows 10 end-user license agreement so that it applies to everything you do on a Windows PC, not just online. (Disclosure:Read MoreMedia Reporting Vicious Cycle1402 Words  | 6 PagesAs normal human beings, how many people would like to be followed around by complete strangers and have their picture taken? How would they feel if they read a false and negative article about themselves in a newspaper? Would they feel uncomfortable and unprotected? The typical answer to that question is yes. Most people would feel uneasy about the whole idea of their lives being publicized for others. They would also most likely feel used. However, the scenarios in these questions are a normal andRead MoreThe Invention Of The World Wide Web1674 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen many questions that have arisen about the invention and the effects of it. 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The situation clearly makes American citizens uncomfortable, and some argue that the NSA has crossed the line by invading the â€Å"privacy†of innocent American citizens but the NSA is invading privacy so itRead MoreGovernment Control and Privacy Issu es in 1984 by George Orwell1203 Words  | 5 Pagestoday is the issue of privacy, which in the book 1984 was something that the people did not have much of because of things like telescreens. Not only is our privacy compromised but the government is also being too controlling. Ways today’s privacy is being compromised are through things like game consoles, phones, social media, and drones and not only is our being compromised through these things but the government is also gaining too much control by compromising our privacy. It seems through almostRead MoreU.s. Government And Privacy Issues1366 Words  | 6 PagesS Government Privacy Issues The American government exploits privacy for the purpose of looking for clandestine terrorists. This affects all the citizens that log in, and post updates on a daily basis, when in actuality a piece of their privacy is being sent to the United States Government. The US government has a very powerful and watchful eye, within the borders of the nation and the rest of the world. Privacy issues are no obstacle for Big Brother (U.S. Govt.). Privacy affects many facetsRead MorePrivacy vs Security: A Comparsion of Th Eterna Value of Privacy by Bruce Schneier and In the Battle between Privacy and Sercurity by Chris Cillzza684 Words  | 3 Pages Privacy V.S. Security Many people can’t seem to agree on whether or not they should have more privacy or loses some privacy, and be more supervised. In both articles, each author is trying to inform the readers and state the possible consequences of having too much privacy or not enough supervision. In the article â€Å"The Eternal Value of Privacy†by Bruce Schneier and the article â€Å"In the battle between privacy and security, security always wins†by Chris Cillizza you will see which article has
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