Tuesday, August 25, 2020
buy custom Demonstrate Awareness of Societal Issues Appropriate for an Individual essay
purchase custom Demonstrate Awareness of Societal Issues Appropriate for an Individual paper Human services is a wide foundation, which gives therapeudic, preventive rehabilitative and limited time medicinal services administrations to people and social orders. Extraordinary steps have been made in the past to improve the medicinal services callings picture on the general public. Present day and successful specialized capacities which guarantee progressively exact analysis are received to improve social trust. Human services issues are worried about dangers to wellbeing. The medicinal services proficient includes information on the doctors mental, physical and mental prosperity. The expert is likewise expected to have multidisciplinary information on network wellbeing, ecological wellbeing, word related wellbeing and wellbeing administrations. Interdisciplinary methodologies in biostatistics and the study of disease transmission is likewise crucial. The general wellbeing expert ought to have the option to suit various kinds of individuals and help them in the most ideal mann er conceivable. They should counsel individuals as needs be to empower them accomplish all encompassing wellbeing. They ought to have the option to address issues of premature birth, race, gay connections and humiliating diseases with dignity and demonstrable skill. Most experts have set up rules for good practice. Negating on these rules may establish disregard or misuse. Therefore, medicinal services experts have set up standards of good lead. A few precepts of god practice have been made into law while others are set by the expert affiliations. Social and Health care callings have the idea of care and obligation towards their clients. The quality and prosperity of administration conveyed ought to in this way be profoundly organized as all treatment is foreseen to have helpful or life sparing advantages to the patient. The patients ought to be permitted access to indispensable data identifying with their wellbeing and prosperity. The wellbeing expert ought to impart and coordinate with associates trying to advance the clinical field. They should address up and coming issues, difficulties and interests. Medicinal services administrations are controlled by the legislature by a national administrative office. It likewise licenses parental figures who may wish to rehearse private social insurance. The office goes about as a disciplinary arm. Purchase custom Demonstrate Awareness of Societal Issues Appropriate for an Individual exposition
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mass Media and the Impact of Violent Imagery on Teens Essay
Broad communications and the Impact of Violent Imagery on Teens - Essay Example Inside this unique situation, one must figure out how to consider media to be something other than amusement. It is additionally a library, a channel of correspondence and a methods for self-advancement. At the end of the day, youngsters must be guided toward a superior comprehension of broad communications explicitly in light of the fact that its capacity in the public eye is emotional and unclear. Youngsters who are guided toward an expansive utilitarian perspective on the media are increasingly adept to utilize it capably and are less inclined to display negative conduct than the individuals who are presented unpredictably to vicious computer games, projects and movies. The individuals who condemn the way of life of brutality that obviously continues from films, TV, the Internet and computer games have effectively utilized the naive defenselessness of youth. In any case, this ideological position, which is presently broadly acknowledged, belittles the limit of adolescents for auto nomous idea and reason. ‘The deliberate disparagement of children’s safe limits can be viewed as a component of a more extensive traditionalist venture to situate the more contemporary and testing parts of the broad communications, instead of other social elements, as the significant danger to social dependability today’ (Gerbner 1993, p. 139). This propensity to accentuate the antagonistic finish of the range, which is clearly upgraded each time a youngster executes a demonstration of brutality, is the mobilizing cry of intrigue gatherings and government officials looking to demonstrate a point. These groups have profited by the distributed assessments of researchers and scholars who caution against the horrible remaining impact of savagery in the media on youngsters. George Gerbner, a correspondences educator, and social researcher, composed that while there have been more crimson times in mankind's history, none have been so loaded up with brutal symbolism as the present: ‘We are flooded with a tide of savage portrayals the world has never observed. There will never be a way out from the monstrous attack of beautiful anarchy into the homes and social existence of ever bigger regions of the world’ (Gerbner 1993, p. 139). Gerbner and others partner brutality with power, the securing of which is of unmistakable fascination to individuals all things considered. For adolescents, practicing power in the ‘virtual’ universe of computer games is an elaboration of individual force that is in any case past the range of youngsters. Gerbner contends that fierce conduct among youngsters ought to be concentrated from the point of view of the ‘cradle-to-grave’ rough symbolism with which youngsters are barraged. It isn't seen, confined reasons for savage acts that ought to be thought of, Gerbner claims, yet different less clear factors to which inescapable media viciousness has contributed. He holds that the excepti onally present day marvel of media-delivered viciousness has induced oblivious, profoundly established sentiments of powerlessness and individual weakness and that it is this, more than anything, that produces forceful and savage conduct in young people (Gerbner 1993, p. 139).
Monday, July 27, 2020
When Friday Arrives
When Friday Arrives… Oh, hey, the weekends here. Awesome. In other news, the last full week of spring classes has come and gone. I spent last night finishing up the last problem sets I will ever do as a freshman, which is a pretty awesome feeling. All thats left to finish up this semester is the final paper for my humanities classes (remember Arrowsmith? yeah, its on that novel) and, of course, finals. Easier said than done? Yeah, just a little. But this is MIT what were you expecting? ;) Im actually looking forward to this weekend. Earlier tonight, a handful of friends and I went to a performance of four student-written one-act plays put on Dramashop (the same group that put on Suburbia last year). They were pretty good, especially considering they were all written by actual MIT students. Of course, Dramashop wasnt the only club putting on a show tonight Dance Troupe, MIT Symphony Orchestra, and the Chorallaries were also out in full force. I wish Id been able to go to all of these awesome events but, alas, I havent perfected the art of being in multiple places at once. (Yet.) After Dramashop, the aforementioned friends and I headed over to the student center to grab some snacks from LaVerdes, the campus convenience store, and sat around swapping stories and other random humor including a very fun story about various giant confectioneries our group had baked or otherwise encountered recently. Around ten, I met up with another friend Samantha 11 and headed towards Central Square to Toscaninis, everyones favorite local ice cream store (yes, it was a junk food-filled night and it was DELICIOUS). Sam and I have been friends since we were prefrosh, but for the past few weeks weve both pretty busy with our own lives (and problem sets!), so it was awesome to catch up again. Finally, I headed across the river into Boston to meet up with Teresa 11, who was hanging out with a bunch of mutual friends at Theta Xi, yet another of MITs 27 fraternities. And that was also fun. ;) Now, its about four oclock in the morning Boston time and Im currently sitting in my own fraternitys TV lounge, splitting my attention between blogging, the 2012 Facebook group, and reruns of Scrubs. I should get to bed (and I will, soon), but somehow I couldnt resist the urge to write an entry. This weekend is shaping up to be, I think, relatively relaxing. Skullhouse is throwing our Spring Formal this Saturday night, and Teresa and I are going together (draw your own conclusions :D), so it should be a pretty awesome night. We also are going to have our house elections (drum roll please) on Sunday morning, but otherwise Im mostly free and when I say free, I mean free to keep plugging away at my homework. Ah, the joys of MIT. In actuality, I have much, much more to say but for now, Im off to bed. To the incoming prefrosh, have fun with the Next Big Mailing, which I believe many of you have already received and the rest of you will no doubt be getting shortly. Best of luck, in particular, with choosing your Athena names. Basically, do your best to pick a name youll still be happy with using four years down the road, and you should be fine. All right, Im out. Best of luck to you all with finals, APs, IBs, or whatever it is you crazy kids are up to these days.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Constitution Of The United States - 1632 Words
Emily Alexander Pima Community College March 9, 2015 The Constitution of the United States After gaining independence from Britain, America was faced with the challenge of creating a new government for the people of the American colonies. The Founding Fathers first created the Articles of Confederation but after much criticism the Founding Fathers met again and created the Constitution of the United States. The Founding Fathers wanted to form a government that was unlike the British government they broke away from. They set up a government that had checks and balances so that one government branch would not grow too powerful and take over. A federal government and state governments were establish to satisfy the needs†¦show more content†¦The Founding Fathers had no right to draft the Constitution. They were delegates that were sent to revise the Articles of confederation. â€Å"Though authorized only to propose amendments to the article, the convention resolved to scrap them entirely and propose a brand new constitution†(Currie, 1). The Constitution should not have had the effect that it did. It is now the document that the entire United States runs on. The constitution should have been looked at as a political philosophy, an idea of what a government should look like. Had the situation been different the constitution would have been seen as just a philosophy but because the United States had just gained its independence from Britain and was in desperate need of some form of government the constitution took over. The constitution was not created without much debate. Founding Father faced the debate of how much power the national government had and how much power the state government had. The Federalist wanted a strong national government but the Anti-Federalist wanted the states to have power. An agreement was reached and the federal government was given the sole power of foreign affairs and coining money. Today states are able to make laws based off of what their citizens and representatives see fit; for example some states such as in Arizona allow for the death penalty whereas other states have ruled it to be illegal. The United States government was formed in a way that
Friday, May 8, 2020
Internet Addiction And Its Effects On The Internet
Internet addiction can have numerous factors. It can be awarding and the same time harmful. We live in a world that we can gain access to countless terabytes of information right at our fingertips. Many of the popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit contribute to the whole internet addiction. Should the innovators of these platforms are who to blame for the ever growing addiction to the internet? Let’s look at this with the social media perspective using Kantianism and Act Utilitarianism. Internet addiction falls in five specific subcategories: Computer addiction, continuous online gaming, Information overload, inevitable web searching, Net compulsions, excessive online gambling or shopping, Cyber-sexual addiction, extreme use of adult websites, and Cyber-relationship addiction, attachment of online dating websites. We all live in a world of internet of things, meaning every device we use or mostly every device is connected to each other. Living the A mish way of life nowadays is very difficult to complete day-to-day tasks. First of all, the basics, the internet we use every day in our lives serves a purpose. That purpose may be work-related or for pleasure. Identifying the purpose of internet use can lead us to what specific internet technology consumes most of our time. The hardest part of the process is identifying the problem, once you identified the problem, there are many ways to find solutions to the problem. Before we dig deeper, we can askShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Internet Addiction1577 Words  | 7 Pagesof course is in reference to the internet. In this day and era, it is impossible to function without the internet. It has been etched into our daily lives – our lives do depend on it in the very literal sense! While the internet has several negative impacts, it has a couple of positive effects as well. Along with oxygen and food, internet has been added onto the list of necessities for survival – especially for the newer and upcoming generation. Internet addiction disorder (IAD) was proposed longRead MoreNegative Effects Of Internet Addiction935 Words  | 4 Pageswork or study but ended up playing video games and surfing the internet? It is believed that a lot of people feel like this. Nowadays, we live in a world with highly developed internet and electronic devices. The highly advanced internet makes our lives better, which is non-debatable, but there are also some drawbacks brought up by improper internet usage and one of the most influential symptoms is Internet addiction. Internet addiction affects people by causing the deterioration of the quality ofRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Internet Addiction1545 Words  | 7 Pagestoday, the internet has become a dominant force in our lives. The ones who are exposed the most to it are the ones who are in the most dange r. In particular, teenagers are the ones in harm’s way mainly due to the fact that they spend the most time on the internet whether it be for academics or for leisure activities. However, when do we know when internet usage is too much? The effect of the increase of social media and technology has affected our teenagers is more than we know and the effects are onlyRead MoreThe Causes and Effects of Internet Addiction1842 Words  | 8 PagesWhat is internet addiction? * Internet Addiction: Destroying your mind. â€Å"Your Brain on Clicks†There are a lot of people today in the world, especially in the Philippines who may have been addicted to different kinds of vices. One of these may probably be called â€Å"internet addiction.†Men and women, even youngsters these days are being pulled out from their spiritual lives by the wickedness of this world and even, I myself have been greatly affected by this. Satan is attacking us slowly, thatRead MoreNegative Effects Of Internet Addiction808 Words  | 4 PagesNegative Effects of Internet Addiction Currently, people utilize the internet frequently a lot of type of internet addiction. Some youngsters, however, are addicted to the internet. They spend more time playing online games and watching TV shows on the internet, which means they stop going outside with their friends and even if stop going to schools. Internet should benefit people. But a number of people are controlled by internet. In other words, internet addiction will influence people in someRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Internet Addiction1134 Words  | 5 Pages The internet can change the life. Peoples lives are becoming more and more efficient, especially after the development of the Internet. Nowadays, internet addiction is beginning to spread among people, especially for people who do not have enough self-control and cognitive power. People tend to indulge on the internet, cut off the connection with the real society, and make the distance between people more and more far away. More terrible things are disor ders will be born due to internet addictionRead MorePossible Causes and Effects of Internet Addiction1189 Words  | 5 PagesS Young says that prior research links internet addiction with existing mental health issues such as social anxiety, depression, and antisocial personality disorder and if not treated properly can have a significant effect on the patient socially, psychologically and occupationally. It will be argued that the psychodynamic approach to find an underlying disorder will be a more effective approach to an intervention for an individual addicted to the internet. I will be discussing the possible interventionRead MoreEffects Of Internet Addiction On Children And Adolescents1682 Words  | 7 Pages Technology advances have been increasingly introduced in our daily lives. Internet, social networking, connectivity and mobile devices lead to an increasingly connected world, which has led to a major change in the way we interact and communicate with one another. Using the Internet and video games since childhood has made new generations increasingly better with technology. They instinctively use and also manage a broad range of technology and they also develop technological knowledge at an earlyRead MoreThe Effects Of Internet Addiction Disorder And Technological Tools1360 Words  | 6 PagesThe Effects of Internet Addiction Disorder and Technological Tools. Problematic Internet Use The issue of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) has become a topic of discussion for the newer generations exposed to technological tools (smartphones, tablets etc.). Considering the effectiveness of computer mediated communication (CMC) compared to the traditional face-to-face, there is a larger chance to become addicted to the internet since technological tools have been developed to be conveniently accessibleRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Internet Addiction Essay1666 Words  | 7 Pagestalks about the positive aspects of the Internet. Although she mainly focuses on the positive she also contradicts herself and mentions some negative aspects. â€Å"Twenty-plus years ago, high school students didn’t have the Internet to store their trivia†(Goldwasser 238). Those unfamiliar with this school of thought may be interest to know that it basically boils down to the fact that over the years the Internet has become a necessity in ones life. Although the Internet provides s ufficient information, and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Development Index Free Essays
Introduction: The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of â€Å"human development†and separate â€Å"very high human development†, â€Å"high human development†, â€Å"medium human development†, and â€Å"low human development†countries. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Development Index or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an under-developed country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. There are also HDI for states, cities, villages, etc. by local organizations or companies. Background: The origins of the HDI are found in the annual Human Development Reports of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). These were devised and launched by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990 and had the explicit purpose ‘‘to shift the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people centered policies’’. To produce the Human Development Reports, Mahbub ul Haq brought together a group of well-known development economists including: Paul Streeten, Frances Stewart, Gustav Ranis, Keith Griffin, Sudhir Anand and Meghnad Desai. But it was Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s work on capabilities and functionings that provided the underlying conceptual framework. Haq was sure that a simple composite measure of human development was needed in order to convince the public, academics, and policy-makers that they can and should evaluate development not only by economic advances but also improvements in human well-being. Sen initially opposed this idea, but he went on to help Haq develop the Human Development Index (HDI). Sen was worried that it was difficult to capture the full complexity of human capabilities in a single index but Haq persuaded him that only a single number would shift the attention of policy-makers from concentration on economic to human well-being. Data collection: Life expectancy at birth is provided by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs; mean years of schooling by Barro and Lee (2010); expected years of schooling by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics; and GNI per capita by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. For few countries, mean years of schooling are estimated from nationally representative household surveys. Many data gaps still exist in even some very basic areas of human development indicators. While actively advocating for the improvement of human development data, as a principle and for practical reasons, the Human Development Report Office does not collect data directly from countries or make estimates to fill these data gaps in the Report. Dimensions and calculation: Published on 4 November 2010, starting with the 2010 Human Development Report the HDI combines three dimensions: 1. A long and healthy life: Life expectancy at birth 2. Access to knowledge: Mean years of schooling and Expected years of schooling 3. A decent standard of living: GNI per capita (PPP US$) The HDI combined three dimensions up until its 2010 report: 1. Life expectancy at birth, as an index of population health and longevity 2. Knowledge and education, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weighting) and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment ratio (with one-third weighting). 3. Standard of living, as indicated by the natural logarithm of gross domestic product per capita at purchasing power parity. New methodology for 2010 data onwards: In its 2010 Human Development Report the UNDP began using a new method of calculating the HDI. The following three indices are used: LE ¬-20 1. Life Expectancy Index (LEI) = 63. 2 vMYSI . EYSI 2. Education Index (EI) = 0. 951 ln (GNIpc) – ln (163) 3. Income Index (II) = ln(108,211) – ln (163) Finally, the HDI is the geometric mean of the previous three normalized indices: HDI = v LEI . EI . II 2010 report: The 2010 Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Program was released on November 4, 2010, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 2010. Criticisms: The Human Development Index has been criticised on a number of grounds, including failure to include any ecological considerations, focusing exclusively on national performance and ranking (although many national Human Development Reports, looking at subnational performance, have been published by UNDP and othersâ€â€so this last claim is untrue), not paying much attention to development from a global perspective and based on grounds of measurement error of the underlying statistics and formula changes by the UNDP which can lead to severe misclassifications of countries in the categories of being a ‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’ or ‘very high’ human evelopment country. Other authors claimed that the Human Development Reports â€Å"have lost touch with their original vision and the index fails to capture the essence of the world it seeks to portray†. The index has also been criticized as â€Å"redundant†and a â€Å"reinve ntion of the wheel†, measuring aspects of development that have already been exhaustively studied. The index has further been criticised for having an inappropriate treatment of income, lacking year-to-year comparability, and assessing development differently in different groups of countries. Economist Bryan Caplan has criticised the way HDI scores are produced; each of the three components are bounded between zero and one. As a result of that, rich countries effectively cannot improve their rating (and thus their ranking relative to other countries) in certain categories, even though there is a lot of scope for economic growth and longevity left. â€Å"This effectively means that a country of immortals with infinite per-capita GDP would get a score of . 66 (lower than South Africa and Tajikistan) if its population were illiterate and never went to school. †He argues, â€Å"Scandinavia comes out on top according to the HDI because the HDI is basically a measure of how Scandinavian your country is. †Economists Hendrik Wolff, Howard Chong and Maximilian Auffhammer discuss the HDI from the perspective of data error in the underlying health, education and income statistics used to construct the HDI. 18] They identify three sources of data error which are due t o (i) data updating, (ii) formula revisions and (iii) thresholds to classify a country’s development status and find that 11%, 21% and 34% of all countries can be interpreted as currently misclassified in the development bins due to the three sources of data error, respectively. The authors suggest that the United Nations should discontinue the practice of classifying countries into development bins because the cut-off values seem arbitrary, can provide incentives for strategic behavior in reporting official statistics, and have the potential to misguide politicians, investors, charity donators and the public at large which use the HDI. In 2010 the UNDP reacted to the criticism and updated the thresholds to classify nations as low, medium and high human development countries. In a comment to The Economist in early January 2011, the Human Development Report Office responded[24] to a January 6, 2011 article in The Economist which discusses the Wolff et al. paper. The Human Development Report Office states that they undertook a systematic revision of the methods used for the calculation of the HDI and that the new methodology directly addresses the critique by Wolff et al. in that it generates a system for continuous updating of the human development categories whenever formula or data revisions take place. The following are common criticisms directed at the HDI: that it is a redundant measure that adds little to the value of the individual measures composing it; that it is a means to provide legitimacy to arbitrary weightings of a few aspects of social development; that it is a number producing a relative ranking which is useless for inter-temporal comparisons, and difficult to compare a country’s progress or regression since the HDI for a country in a given year depends on the levels of, say, life expectancy or GDP per capita of other countries in that year. However, each year, UN member states are listed and ranked according to the computed HDI. If high, the rank in the list can be easily used as a means of national aggrandizement; alternatively, if low, it can be used to highlight national insufficiencies. Using the HDI as an absolute index of social welfare, some authors have used panel HDI data to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. Ratan Lal Basu criticises the HDI concept from a completely different angle. According to him the Amartya Sen-Mahbub ul Haq concept of HDI considers that provision of material amenities alone would bring about Human Development, but Basu opines that Human Development in the true sense should embrace both material and moral development. According to him human development based on HDI alone, is similar to dairy farm economics to improve dairy farm output. To quote: ‘So human development effort should not end up in amelioration of material deprivations alone: it must undertake to bring about spiritual and moral development to assist the biped to become truly human. [31] For example, a high suicide rate would bring the index down. A few authors have proposed alternative indices to address some of the index’s shortcomings. However, of those proposed alternatives to the HDI, few have produced alternatives covering so many countries, and that no development index (other than, perhaps, Gross Domestic Product per capita) has been used so extensivelyâ€⠀or effectively, in discussions and developmental planning as the HDI. However, there has been one lament about the HDI that has resulted in an alternative index: David Hastings, of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific published a report geographically extending the HDI to 230+ economies, whereas the UNDP HDI for 2009 enumerates 182 economies and coverage for the 2010 HDI dropped to 169 countries How to cite Human Development Index, Papers Human Development Index Free Essays string(146) " the most important development was the practice of dry farming that allowed farmers to profitably grow wheat on the semi-arid southern prairies\." What is HDI? The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of â€Å"human development†, taken as a synonym of the older terms â€Å"standard of living†and/or â€Å"quality of life†, and distinguishing â€Å"very high human development†, â€Å"high human development†, â€Å"medium human development†, and â€Å"low human development†countries. HDI was devised and launched by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq, followed by Indian economist Amartya Sen in 1990. The HDI is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, and standards of living of a country. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Development Index or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is also used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an underdeveloped country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. There are also HDI for states, cities, villages, etc. by local organizations or companies which have interest in the matter. The HDI formula result is a number from 0 to 1, 1 being the best outcome possible. Components of HDI What does HDI tell us? The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone. The HDI can also be used to question national policy choices, asking how two countries with the same level of GNI per capita can end up with such different human development outcomes. For example, the Bahamas and New Zealand have similar levels of income per person, but life expectancy and expected years of schooling differ greatly between the two countries, resulting in New Zealand having a much higher HDI value than the Bahamas. These striking contrasts can stimulate debate about government policy priorities. What are the criteria for a country to be included in the HDI? The Human Development Report Office strives to include as many UN member countries as possible in the HDI. To include a country in the HDI we need recent, reliable and comparable data for all three dimensions of the Index. For a country to be included, statistics should ideally be available from the relevant international data agencies. India’s position in the world India ranks a low 134 among 187 countries in the list that is headed by Norway and in which the Democratic Republic of Congo is at the very bottom in terms of the human development index (HDI). India’s ranking in 2010 was 119 out of 169 countries. According to the â€Å"UN Human Development Report 2011: Sustainability and Inequality†, India’s HDI is 0. 5 compared to 0. 3 in 2010. Comparison of India with few other countries Countries| Per Capita income in US $| Literacy Rate| Life Expectancy in years| HDI Rank| India| 1600| 74%| 67. 1| 134| US| 48,147| 99%| 79| 4| Canada| 51,147| 99%| 80. 7| 6| Germany| 40,631| 99%| 79. 4| 9| Nepal| 650| 68. 2%| 66. 5| 157| Pakistan| 1250| 70%| 66. 3| 145| Growth Pattern of India Factors responsible for growth of India The then Prime Minister Narasimha Rao, along with his finance minister Manmohan Singh, initiated the economic liberalization of 1991. The reforms did away with the Licence Raj, reduced tariffs and interest rates and ended many public monopolies, allowing automatic approval of foreign direct investment in many sectors. Since then, the overall thrust of liberalization has remained the same, although no government has tried to take on powerful lobbies such as trade unions and farmers, on contentious issues such as reforming labour laws and reducing agricultural subsidies. By the turn of the 20th century, India had progressed towards a free-market economy, with a substantial reduction in state control of the economy and increased financial liberalization. This has been accompanied by increases in life expectancy, literacy rates and food security, although urban residents have benefited more than agricultural residents. Also the boom in IT and other industries in services sector helped India to achieve economic strength whereby foreign currency started pouring in into the market. This was supported by the availability of skilled labours, talented brains and large young population. Growth Pattern of Nepal Nepal’s economic growth continues to be adversely affected by the political uncertainty. Nevertheless, real GDP growth is estimated to increase to almost 5 percent for 2011/2012. This is a considerable improvement from the 3. 5 percent GDP growth in 2010/2011 and would be the second highest growth rate in the post-conflict era. Sources of growth include agriculture, construction, financial and other services. The contribution of growth by consumption fueled by remittances has declined since 2010/2011. While remittance growth slowed to 11 percent (in Nepali Rupee terms) in 2010/2011 it has since increased to 37 percent. Remittances are estimated to be equivalent to 25-30 percent of GDP. Inflation has been reduced to a three-year low to 7 percent. The proportion of poor people has declined substantially in recent years. The percentage of people living below the international poverty line (people earning less than US$1. 5 per day) has halved in only seven years. At this measure of poverty the percentage of poor people declined from 53. 1% in 2003/2004 to 24. 8% in 2010/2011. With a higher poverty line of US$2 dollars per-capita per day, poverty declined by one quarter to 57. 3%. However, the income distribution remains grossly uneven. Growth Pattern of Canada Factors responsible for growth in Canada The Canadi an economy improved dramatically after 1896, and from that year until 1914, Canada had the world’s fastest growing economy. The west was settled, the population grew quickly. The cause of this boom is debated. Whether the settlement of the west was a cause or effect of the boom is one of the most important issues. Globally the economy was improving with the end of the Long Depression. The last semi-humid farmland in the United States was exhausted, leaving Canada with the best unexploited farm land in North America. Technological changes from the steel plow to combine harvesters played an important role, but perhaps the most important development was the practice of dry farming that allowed farmers to profitably grow wheat on the semi-arid southern prairies. You read "Human Development Index" in category "Papers" The most noted expansion was in western Canada, but at the same time Central Canada was undergoing a period of significant industrialization. While western and central Canada boomed during the pre-World War I years the economies of the three Maritime Provinces grew far more slowly. Investors from US and UK helped fuel country’s economic growth. Growth pattern of USA Factors responsible for growth in USA In the early years of American history, most political leaders were reluctant to involve the federal government too heavily in the private sector, except in the area of transportation. In general, they accepted the concept of laissez-faire, a doctrine opposing government interference in the economy except to maintain law and order. This attitude started to change during the latter part of the 19th century, when small business, farm, and labor movements began asking the government to intercede on their behalf. By the turn of the century, a middle class had developed that was leery of both the business elite and the somewhat radical political movements of farmers and laborers in the Midwest and West. Known as Progressives, these people favored government regulation of business practices to, in their minds, ensure competition and free enterprise. Congress enacted a law regulating railroads in 1887 (the Interstate Commerce Act), and one preventing large firms from controlling a single industry in 1890 (the Sherman Antitrust Act). Many of today’s U. S. regulatory agencies were created during these years, including the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Federal Trade Commission. Electrification in the U. S. started in industry ca. 1900 and by 1930 about 80% of power used in industry was electric. Tractors began being mass-produced. In the 1980s, Japan was accelerating its speed and catching up to the USA. In the face of competition from Japan, Americans did not give up hope, but acted with a great sense of urgency. Ronald Reagan called on the industrial association and think-tanks to discuss countermeasures. Through investigation and analysis, they found that the computer and communications industries were beginning to show vitality and had large market potential. In the future, it was possible that they would develop into the world’s largest industries. Therefore, the Reagan administration declined to adopt a short-term, profit-oriented competition strategy; rather, it adopted methods that allowed universities to work collaboratively with enterprises to co-develop the computer and communications industries. During the Clinton administration, a large investment was made in building up the world’s internet highway. Growth Pattern of Pakistan Growth Pattern of Germany Factors responsible for growth of Germany Germany’s economic growth stemmed from a number of causes. One of the main physical reasons behind economic growth was the sophistication of infrastructure. Between 1845 and 1870 5000 more miles of rail had beenbuilt and in 1850 Germany was building her own locomotives. This increase of rail transport created a huge demand for coal, iron and buildings, therefore industry began on a plant style level. All of this increased the amount of labour needed. The labour need was fuelled by a population growth. From 35 million people in 1840 Germanygrew to 49 million people in 1875 creating a young dynamic workforce,full of innovated ideas for the new industry. Not only was the workforce gained from a population increase, urbanisation also added to the need. People working in factories grew from 4% to 10%. Banks, particularly investment banks gave a great stimulus to industrialization. It was a combination of commercial enterprise, investment, and investment trusts backed by large central banks. The second industrial revolution was promoted by a number of important factors. Most important of these was probably the scientific-technological developments at the end of the century. Another factor which propelled German industry forward was the unification of the monetary system, made possible in part by political unification. Another economic factor was the increased markets,domestic and overseas. Comparison of growth patterns Why HDI of India is low? While we are steadily increasing our investments in health and education, we have been let down at the most basic level: female mortality rates. Our maternal mortality figures are 450 deaths per 100,000, which is the worst in south Asia. Our adolescent fertility rates also let us down, as do figures for female education. Yet, a quick stroll through the HDI figures does show some improvement across sectors in most parts of the country. The stumbling blocks are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, parts of West Bengal and even Maharashtra. Quite obviously, in our race to get ahead, we have forgotten the basics. It has taken us over 60 years since the Constitution was adopted to pass the Right to Education Act for free and compulsory secondary education to all, even though it has long been a part of our Directive Principles. Our dropout rate is high and the girl child is the first to lose the race to school. More painful is the rich-poor divide. Our cities may be full of state-of-the-art hospitals, ready to cater to medical tourists, but village after village in India does not even have access to primary health care. We supply doctors all over the world but are unable to service our own needy. It is almost as if we have got so used to being a poor country that we hardly notice it any more. But as the Sensex and the economy show, India is no longer an ultra-poor country in the aggregate. But we still have a shockingly large proportion of poor people who are being deprived of just about everything. This HDI report is just one more reminder of how far we have to go. It tells us where our priorities should be. India has made huge strides in the field of education and water supply system but the biggest block in the human development indices for India is in the field of sanitation where 58 per cent of open defecation in the world takes place in India. A mere expenditure of Rs 2000 crore (Rs 20 billion) in the field of sanitation is being made while the budget for water supply was Rs 20,000 crore (Rs 200 billion). Agriculture Slow agricultural growth is a concern for policymakers as some two-thirds of India’s people depend on rural employment for a living. Current agricultural practices are neither economically nor environmentally sustainable and India’s yields for many agricultural commodities are low. Poorly maintained irrigation systems and almost universal lack of good extension services are among the factors responsible. Farmers’ access to markets is hampered by poor roads, rudimentary market infrastructure, and excessive regulation. Agricultural output of India lags far behind its potential. The low productivity in India is a result of several factors. According to the World Bank, India’s large agricultural subsidies are hampering productivity-enhancing investment. While overregulation of agriculture has increased costs, price risks and uncertainty, governmental intervention in labour, land, and credit markets are hurting the market. Infrastructure such as rural roads, electricity, ports, food storage, retail markets and services are inadequate. Further, the average size of land holdings is very small, with 70% of holdings being less than one hectare in size. The partial failure of land reforms in many states, exacerbated by poorly maintained or non-existent land records, has resulted in sharecropping with cultivators lacking ownership rights, and consequently low productivity of labour. Adoption of modern agricultural practices and use of technology is inadequate, hampered by ignorance of such practices, high costs, illiteracy, slow progress in implementing land reforms, inadequate or inefficient finance and marketing services for farm produce and impracticality in the case of small land holdings. The allocation of water is inefficient, unsustainable and inequitable. The irrigation infrastructure is deteriorating. Irrigation facilities are inadequate, as revealed by the fact that only 39% of the total cultivable land was irrigated as of 2010, resulting in farmers still being dependent on rainfall, specifically the monsoon season, which is often inconsistent and unevenly distributed across the country. Corruption Corruption has been one of the pervasive problems affecting India. A 2005 study by Transparency International (TI) found that more than half of those surveyed had firsthand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get a job done in a public office in the previous year. A follow-on 2008 TI study found this rate to be 40 percent. In 2011, Transparency International ranked India at 95th place amongst 183 countries in perceived levels of public sector corruption. In 1996, red tape, bureaucracy and the Licence Raj were suggested as a cause for the institutionalised corruption and inefficiency. More recent reports suggest the causes of corruption in India include excessive regulations and approval requirements, mandated spending programs, monopoly of certain goods and service providers by government controlled institutions, bureaucracy with discretionary powers, and lack of transparent laws and processes. The Right to Information Act (2005) which requires government officials to furnish information requested by citizens or face punitive action, computerisation of services, and various central and state government acts that established vigilance commissions, have considerably reduced corruption and opened up avenues to redress grievances. The number of people employed in non-agricultural occupations in the public and private sectors. Totals are rounded. Private sector data relates to non-agriculture establishments with 10 or more employees. The current government has concluded that most spending fails to reach its intended recipients. A large, cumbersome and tumor-like bureaucracy sponges up or siphons off spending budgets. India’s absence rates are one of the worst in the world; one study found that 25% of public sector teachers and 40% of public sector medical workers could not be found at the workplace. The Indian economy has an underground economy, with an alleged 2006 report by the Swiss Bankers Association suggesting India topped the worldwide list for black money with almost $1,456 billion stashed in Swiss banks. This amounts to 13 times the country’s total external debt. Education India has made huge progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately three-fourth of the population. India’s literacy rate had grown from 52. 2% in 1991 to 74. 04% in 2011. The right to education at elementary level has been made one of the fundamental rights under the eighty-sixth Amendment of 2002, and legislation has been enacted to further the objective of providing free education to all children. However, the literacy rate of 74% is still lower than the worldwide average and the country suffers from a high dropout rate. Further, there exists a severe disparity in literacy rates and educational opportunities between males and females, urban and rural areas, and among different social groups. Infrastructure In the past, development of infrastructure was completely in the hands of the public sector and was plagued by slow progress, poor quality and inefficiency. India’s low spending on power, construction, transportation, telecommunications and real estate, at $31 billion or 6% of GDP in 2002 had prevented India from sustaining higher growth rates. This has prompted the government to partially open up infrastructure to the private sector allowing foreign investment, and most public infrastructure, barring railways, is today constructed and maintained by private contractors, in exchange for tax and other concessions from the government. While 80% of Indian villages have at least an electricity line, just 44% of rural households have access to electricity. Some half of the electricity is stolen, compared with 3% in China. The stolen electricity amounts to 1. 5% of GDP. Transmission and distribution losses amount to around 20%, as a result of an inefficient distribution system, handled mostly by cash-strapped state-run enterprises. Almost all of the electricity in India is produced by the public sector. Power outages are common, and many buy their own power generators to ensure electricity supply. 6] Substantial improvements in water supply infrastructure, both in urban and rural areas, have taken place over the past decade, with the proportion of the population having access to safe drinking water rising from 66% in 1991 to 92% in 2001 in rural areas, and from 82% to 98% in urban areas. However, quality and availability of water supply remains a major problem even in urban India, with most cities getting water for only a few hours during the day. Economic disparities A critical problem facing India’s economy is the sharp and growing regional variations among India’s different states and territories in terms of poverty, availability of infrastructure and socio-economic development. Six low-income states – Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh – are home to more than one third of India’s population. Severe disparities exist among states in terms of income, literacy rates, life expectancy and living conditions. The five-year plans, especially in the pre-liberalization era, attempted to reduce regional disparities by encouraging industrial development in the interior regions and distributing industries across states, but the results have not been very encouraging since these measures in fact increased inefficiency and hampered effective industrial growth. After liberalization, the more advanced states have been better placed to benefit from them, with well-developed infrastructure and an educated and skilled workforce, which attract the manufacturing and service sectors. The governments of backward regions are trying to reduce disparities by offering tax holidays and cheap land, and focusing more on sectors like tourism which, although being geographically and historically determined, can become a source of growth and develops faster than other sectors. In fact, the economists fail to realize that ultimately the problem of equitable growth or inclusive growth is intricately related to the problems of good governance and transparency. HDI for Indian states State| HDI| Rank| Maharashtra| 0. 689| 12| Madhya Pradesh| 0. 375| 33| Kerala| 0. 921| 1| Reasons for low HDI in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra as compared to Kerala: Life Expectancy: The life expectancy in MP is 56. 5 years for male and 56. 2 years for females averaging around 56. 4. The life expectancy in Maharashtra is 64. 5 for males and 67 for females averaging to 65. 8 years for the total population. The life expectancy in Kerala is 73. 5 years. As an important component of HDI life expectancy should be higher, but here it is low as compared to Kerala. Literacy rate: The literacy rate in MP is only 64. 11% which is very low. More than that literacy rate of women is very low. The literacy rate in Maharashtra is 77. 21 % whereas in Kerala it is 90. 92 %. Literacy is reasonably a good indicator of development in a society. Spread and diffusion f literacy is generally associated with essential trait of today’s civilization such as urbanization, modernization, industrialization, communication and commerce. Standard of living: The main factors influencing standard of living are poverty, physical infrastructure, regional imbalance. Poverty is very high in MP. Also the physical infrastructure is very poor. Poverty is high I Maharashtra because of high population. The physical infrastructure varies from region to region. In cities like Mumbai and Pune the infrastructure is world class, but in other regions of the state the infrastructure is not so good which shows regional imbalance Poverty in Kerala is very low. All over Kerala the physical infrastructure is good, there is no regional imbalance. How to cite Human Development Index, Papers Human Development Index Free Essays What is HDI? HDI (Human Development index) is a way of measuring development by combining indicators of life expectancy, educational attainment and income. The breakthrough for the HDI was the creation of a single statistic which was to serve as a frame of reference for both social and economic development. The HDI sets a minimum and a maximum for each dimension, called goalposts, and then shows where each country stands in relation to these goalposts, expressed as a value between 0 and 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Development Index or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is also used to distinguish to a large extent, whether the country is a developed, a developing or an underdeveloped country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. NEED FOR HDI â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone. The HDI can also be used to question national policy choices, asking how two countries with the same level of GNI per capita can end up with such different human development outcomes. For example, the Bahamas and New Zealand have similar levels of income per person, but life expectancy and expected years of schooling differ greatly between the two countries, resulting in New Zealand having a much higher HDI value than the Bahamas. These striking contrasts can stimulate debate about government policy priorities. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- CALCULATION OF HDI 1) Life expectancy index (LEI) = (LE-20)/(83. 4-20) 2) Education index (EI) = v(MYSI*EYSI)/ 0. 951 3) Income Index (II) Log (GNIpc)-log(100)]/ [Log (107721) – log (100)] LE: Life expectancy at birth MYS: Mean years of schooling (Years that a 25-year-old person or older has spent in schools) EYS: Expected years of schooling (Years that a 5-year-old child will spend with his education in his whole life) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- GNIpc: Gross national income at purchasing power parity per capita COUNTRY| GDP RANK| HDI RANK| HDI| India| 4| 134| 0. 571| U. S| 1| 4| 0. 910| U. K| 8| 28| 0. 863| China| 2| 101| 0. 87| Pakistan | 29| 145| 0. 50| Oman| 77| 89| 0. 705| India ranks a low 134 among 187 countries in terms of the human development index (HDI), which assesses long-term progress in health, education and income indicators, said a UN report released on Wednesday. Although placed in the â€Å"medium†category, India’s standing is way behind scores of economically less developed countries, including war-torn Iraq as well as Philippines. India’s ranking in 2010 was 119 out of 169 countries Sri Lanka has been ranked 97, China 101 and the Maldives 109. Bhutan, otherwise respected for its quality of life, has been placed at 141, behind India Pakistan and Bangladesh are ranked 145 and 146 in the list of countries that is headed by Norway and in which the Democratic Republic of Congress is at the bottom. The other two countries in South Asia, Nepal and Afghanistan, occupy ranks 157 and 172. According to the â€Å"UN Human Development Report, 2011: Sustainability and Inequality†, India’s HDI is 0. 5 compared to 0. 3 in 2010. COMPONENTS OF THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX The education component of the HDI is now measured by mean of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age. Mean years of schooling are estimated based on educational attainment data from censuses and surveys available in the UNESCO Institute for Statistics database and Barro and Lee (2010) methodology). Expected years of schooling estimates are based on enrolment by age at all levels of education and population of official school age for each level of education. Expected years of schooling are capped at 18 years. The indicators are normalized using a minimum value of zero and maximum values are set to the actual observed maximum value of mean years of schooling from the countries in the time series, 1980–2010, that is 13. 1 years estimated for Czech Republic in 2005. Expected years of schooling are maximized by its cap at 18 years. The education index is the geometric mean of two indices. The life expectancy at birth component of the HDI is calculated using a minimum value of 20 years and maximum value of 83. 4 years. This is the observed maximum value of the indicators from the countries in the time series, 1980–2010. Thus, the longevity component for a country where life expectancy birth is 55 years would be 0. 552. For the wealth component, the goalpost for minimum income is $100 (PPP) and the maximum is $107,721 (PPP), both estimated during the same period, 1980-2011. The decent standard of living component is measured by GNI per capita (PPP$) instead of GDP per capita (PPP$) The HDI uses the logarithm of income, to reflect the diminishing importance of income with increasing GNI. The scores for the three HDI dimension indices are then aggregated into a composite index using geometric mean. The HDI facilitates instructive comparisons of the experiences within and between different countries. FACTORS AFFECTING HDI There are various factors that affect the economic development of any economy like health, education, per capita income, gender inequality, deforestation, population, pollution levels, literacy rate, infant mortality rate etc. Let us see a few of them one by one and try to find where India lags behind majority of the economies and why there is a mismatch in India’s growth and evelopment. A) Education index Education is an important indicator of a nation’s wellbeing, standard of living and is a measure of the economic development and quality of life which further helps in determining whether an economy is developed, developing or underdeveloped. India’s Shortfalls The Indian government has been lethargic in this aspect and has fail ed in ensuring a better education framework. Here, the government alone is not to be blamed. A majority of Indian population tend to neglect primary education. Poverty has been a major cause leading to lower literacy rates in India. Poor parents in underdeveloped states and backward regions make their children work to support the family financially. Girls in rural areas are forced to stay back at home and do daily chores. Also, education funding in rural areas is quite low. Uneducated parents don’t find it important to educate their children and this vicious cycle continues leaving the whole community uneducated. The government is not spending enough in education. Currently around 4% of GDP is being spent on education much lower than the target of 6% of GDP. Lower enrolment, high dropout rates, teacher absenteeism, poor instruction qualities, poor infrastructural facilities like classrooms, libraries, low encouragement and gender inequality are the root causes of low education index in India. About 30% of the world’s illiterate population belongs to India. COUNTRY| EDUCATION INDEX| India| 0. 450| The U. S| 0. 939| The U. K| 0. 815| Pakistan| 0. 386| China| 0. 623| Oman| 0. 539| SCALE| EDUCATION INDEX| Very High| 0. 894| High| 0. 715| Medium| 0. 561| Low| 0. 392| B) Health Index 2% of India’s children below the age of three are malnourished, almost twice the statistics of sub-Saharan African region of 28%. Although India’s economy grew 50% from 2001–2006, and its child-malnutrition rate only dropped 1%, lagging behind countries of similar growth rate. Malnutrition impedes the social and cognitive development of a child, reducing his educational attainment and income as an adult. These irreversible damages resul t in lower productivity. Infant mortality rate Approximately 1. 72 million children die each year before turning one. The under five mortality and infant mortality rates have been declining, from 202 and 190 deaths per thousand live births respectively in 1970 to 64 and 50 deaths per thousand live births in 2009. However, this rate of decline is slowing. Reduced funding for immunization leaves only 43. 5% of the young fully immunized. Infrastructure like hospitals, roads, water and sanitation are lacking in rural areas. Shortages of healthcare providers, poor intra-partum and newborn care, diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections also contribute to the high infant mortality rate. Inadequate safe drinking water Access to protected sources of drinking water has improved from 68% of the population in 1990 to 88% in 2008. However, only 26% of the slum population has access to safe drinking water, and 25% of the total population has drinking water on their premises. This problem is exacerbated by falling levels of groundwater caused mainly by increasing extraction for irrigation. Insufficient maintenance of the environment around water sources, groundwater pollution, excessive arsenic and fluoride in drinking water pose a major threat to India’s health. Rural health Rural India contains over 68% of India’s total population with half of it living below struggling for better and easy access to health care and services. Health issues confronted by rural people are diverse and many – from severe malaria to uncontrolled diabetes, from a badly infected wound to cancer. Postpartum maternal morbidity is a serious problem in resource-poor settings and contributes to maternal mortality, particularly in rural India; however, Misoprostal has been identified as a cost-effective maternal mortality intervention for home births. A study conducted in 2009, using multinomial logistic regression methods, found that 43. % of mothers reported to have experienced postpartum morbidities six weeks after delivery. Rural medical practitioners are highly sought after by people living in rural India as they more financially affordable and geographically accessible than practitioners working in the formal public health care sector. The National Rural Hea lth Mission (NRHM) was launched in April 2005 by the Government of India. The goal of the NRHM is to provide effective healthcare to rural people with a focus on 18 states which have poor public health indicators and/or weak infrastructure. COUNTRY| HEALTH INDEX| India| 0. 717| The U. S| 0. 923| The U. K| 0. 949| Pakistan| 0. 717| China| 0. 843| Oman| 0. 836| SCALE| HEALTH INDEX| Very High| 0. 946| High| 0. 838| Medium| 0. 784| Low| 0. 611| C) GDP per capita (PPP) It is defined as GDP divided by the total population of a country. Per capita income is often used as a measure of the wealth of the population of a nation, particularly in comparison to other nations. The very fact that India in spite of being the 4th largest economy stands 140th in terms of per capita income indicates that the income is distributed unevenly where a very percentage of the population is rich while majority is poor. COUNTRY| GDP per capita($)| India| 2933| The U. S| 41761| The U. K| 32147| Pakistan| 2369| China| 6200| Oman| 23333| COUNTRY| INCOME INDEX| India| 0. 508| The U. S| 0. 869| The U. K| 0. 832| Pakistan| 0. 464| China| 0. 618| Oman| 0. 778| Poverty in India is widespread, with the nation estimated to have a third of the world’s poor. In 2011, World Bank stated, 32. 7% of the total Indian people falls below the international poverty line of US$ 1. 25 per day (PPP) while 68. 7% live on less than US$ 2 per day. Lack of a market economy amp; over government regulation and red tape, known as License Raj is the main cause of poverty in India. While other Asian countries like China, Singapore and South Korea started with the same poverty level as India after independence, India adopted a socialist centrally planned, closed economy. Another cause is a high population growth rate, although demographers generally agree that this is a symptom rather than cause of poverty. While services and industry have grown at double digit figures, agriculture growth rate has dropped from 4. 8% to 2%. About sixty percent of the population depends on agriculture whereas the contribution of agriculture to the GDP is about eighteen percent. The surplus of labor in agriculture has caused many people to not have jobs. Farmers are a large vote bank and use their votes to resist reallocation of land for higher-income industrial projects. D) Gender Inequality Index There is strong evidence to suggest that India is a country of high concern in relation to missing women. The 2011 Census found a worrying trend in child sex ratios with only 914 females for 1,000 males, a drop from 927 in 2001. Using data from the 2011 Census in India, after adjusting for excess mortality rates in girls, the estimates of number of selective abortions of girls rose from 0 to 2 million in the 1980s, to 1. to 4. 1 million in the 1990s, to 3. 1 to 6. 0 million in the 2000s. The study shows that the problem is in fact growing amongst the middle class which suggests that missing women cannot be attributed to poor socio-economic status. The male/female sex ratio for the total population in 2012 is 1. 08. According to data from the 2006-2007 Demographic and Health Survey for India, 41. 5% of girls and 45. 3% of boys under the age of two had received all their vaccinations. Under-five mortality rates were higher for girls than for boys (79. 2 per 1000 live births for girls, 69. % for boys), while malnutrition rates were equal or slightly higher for girls. Given that in most contexts, rates of under-five mortality and malnutrition are higher for boys than for girls, this would indicate bias towards sons in regard to early childhood care. Gender-disaggregated data in regard to child labor was unavailable. Primary and secondary school enrolment and attendance rates are lower for girls than for boys indicating some son preference in regard to access to education. COUNTRY| GENDER INEQUALITY INDEX| India| 0. 646| The U. S| 0. 311| The U. K| 0. 216| Pakistan| 0. 611| China| 0. 224| Oman| 0. 09| Conclusion â€Å"Economic growth†and â€Å"development†of any economy should go hand in hand unlike Indian economy where there is a huge contrast in this regard. India should focus on primary education, basic healthcare, gender equality and other social, environmental and economic aspects to ensure sustainable development. India has been very slow in reacting to the transformation of economy restructuring. Masses need to be educated about family planning, importance of education, gender inequality especially in rural areas so that they don’t take much time to adapt to an environment which is essential for development. Educational institutes should be set up on a large scale focusing more on basic education. Healthcare sector needs to be given prime importance. We need to take advantage of the technology available to us. Corruption is the biggest hindrance coming in the way of development and thus should be kept in check. India has till date come up with many schemes and programs for the poor section but has repeatedly failed to implement them effectively. So, while economic growth is vital to the economy, human development is to be given equal importance which decides or shows the true picture of the economy. How to cite Human Development Index, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Inwardlistening free essay sample
Do you see the eel in the wheelbarrow?My father swiftly highlights the smaller word encased in the larger one with aleathery finger that acts as his yardstick in our makeshift classroom. My mind iselsewhere, meandering back to the display at the Natural History Museum,revealing the bones of one fish interred in the bones of another. I amremembering all the fish, staring back at me with their pinprick eyes, bearingteeth straight and narrow as the tines of a fork, their dried-out scales, thinand fragile as onion paper, glowing in the dimly lit air-conditioned hallway, asdark and dank as the seas chilly infinite to a girl, not yet half her grownheight, whose small hand is growing gummy inside her fathers larger one. To tell it beginning with school would be foolish. The story goesback further, to words mingled with glass breath, tumbling in arabesquesfrom a training tongue and shattering in mid-air, a sound,enchanting. We will write a custom essay sample on Inwardlistening or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My father is looking at me expectantly, so I focus withfeigned intensity. These reading lessons are an evening ritual. We clear thetable of our mismatched plates and bring out the McGuffy Readers, phonics drillsand twin pink books filled with lists of compound words. We do this so that I canhopefully start next year at a private school. From what I can gather, my parentsreally want this for me. My father spends his days in a cramped apartmentabove ours, writing about education to the beat of the typewriters shriekingartillery. On afternoons and weekends I sit contently at his feet, beneath thecollapsible plastic table that is his desk, and write plays about princessescrushed by elephants, or poems about families of rocks. I am beginning to realizethat re-reading my own writing inevitably makes my ears flush with shame.Occasionally my father will stop typing, lace his hands together behind his headand stretch, leaning back in his squeaky cherrywood chair. He will peer under thetable to ask a question about school, or once, to show me the inside of one ofhis books, a photograph of the author, his crooked gap-toothed grin spreadingfrom one wonky ear to another, like that of a beggar or snake charmer. This, hewould explain later, was Piaget, adding, Isnt he scary looking, Grace?Would you like to be taught by someone who looked like him? I came tounderstand that this was more a reflection of my fathers distaste for Piagetsreasoning than for his appearance. I am still unclear whether my fatherswriting was intended to morph into a coherent book, or if it were only for us.One thing I understood, though, was that I was his educational guinea pig, a roleI loved. I cannot yet read my fathers books, adorning our shelveslike trophies. Instead I breathe the manifold musty luxuriance of brittleyellowed pages, tearing at a touch. This is the reason I am readingand rereading the word wheelbarrow, trying to understand its syllables andintonation so that I can sound it out honestly with my eyes, ears and tongue allin agreement. It is a funny word whose concentricity seems to double back onitself, the convex wheel resting in the concave barrow the first half of theword whizzing out of my mouth, with the second half somersaulting lackadaisicallybehind. It is the kind of word I want to holler down the drainpipe. Myfather sees that this lesson is wearing on me, so he suggests a walk. Outside therain is falling in sporadic spits. Standing on tiptoe in front of the window, Ican see a few umbrellas blooming above the asphalt; they are gradually slickedover with the gloss of rain, making them gleam sapphire, onyx andtourmaline. Neither of us tote umbrellas; we do not like to carry anythingand instead revel in freedom of movement. The rain quickly begins to pearl in myhair, soft and thin it hangs low on the nape of my neck. I try to imitate myfathers walk. Beneath his Greenwich Village uniform a sheepskin coat, marledwool cap, and faded Levis he is as dignified as a heron. We make ourway downtown toward the river. I leap over the deceitfully shallow-lookingpuddles surrounding each corner like a moat. When we reach the river, the rain isnearly done and the misty Hudson is redeemed by the orange light of early eveningshining down the brick of nearby buildings. My father stands next to mewith his hands in his pockets like theyre keeping him balanced. I notice that hehas let go of my hand. I am looking at him, and he is looking at theriver. Across the waves where the twilight deepens all the sky at once, a transition, seamless as the lining ofreverie. My father gave me my independence in bits and pieces, entrustingit to me with the same care and consideration of one placing something preciousand breakable into a hand of unknown steadiness. I try to knot back togethersmall moments like these to give my childhood some kind of incremental coherence,but it is as difficult as recalling my grammar and spelling lessons atfive. Years later, when I graduate from high school, after having triedthe full spectrum public and private, traditional and progressive, coed andsingle sex, downtown and uptown I will look back and feel thankful for thecross-section, however incomplete. Mostly, though, I will go out walking in thehours when the street lamps are warming into dusk and the city is infused with awomb-like familiarity, taking time to stop and read the crooked letters, es likecurlicues, and as leaning into downtown, that a child has scrawled on thepavement, with a smooth stick of chalk.
Friday, March 20, 2020
SSD Administration
SSD Administration The Top 5 Questions the Social Security Administration Looks at When Determining if Someone is Disabled When applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) many get overwhelmed by the complexity of the paperwork and the time it takes to wade through it. Millions of Americans apply for disability benefits each year and many get denied the first time around.Most ask the question, â€Å"How does the Social Security Administration decide If I am disabled?† The SSD Administration uses a step-by-step process including these five questions when deciding if someone is disabled:Are you working? If you are working and averaging more than what Social Security deems to be substantial gainful activity (for 2018 this amount is $1,180 per month for non-blind individuals and $1,970 for those who are blind), you usually will not be considered disabled. If you are not working, or your earnings fall below substantial income, then the administration will send your application to the Disability Determination Services office to review your condition(s) under the criteria below.Is your condition â⠂¬Å"severe†? In order for your condition to be considered severe it must interfere with basic work-related activities. If the administration finds that your conditions are severe, then they will move to the next step to evaluate your condition(s).Is your condition found in the list of disabling conditions? The SS Administration keeps an updated list of medical conditions that are considered severe, often qualifying you as disabled. If your condition is not listed or does not qualify under the established criteria, the administration will then decide if your condition is of equal severity to a medical condition listed. If your condition(s) neither meet or medically equal one of the listed impairments, the evaluation continues to the next step.Can you do the work you did previously? The SS administration looks at the work you were doing over the last 15 years, and if your medical condition interferes with your ability to continue doing this type of work.Can you do any other type of work? If you are unable to do your previous work the SS administration will look to see if you are able to adjust to another work type.To learn more about the top 5 questions click here.If you are disabled and unable to work, call Disability Attorneys of Michigan for a free confidential consultation. We’ll let you know if we can help you get a monthly check and help you determine if any money or assets you receive could impact your eligibility for disability benefits.Disability Attorneys of Michigan works hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan seek the disability benefits they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical, mental or cognitive impairment call Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free consultation at 800-949- 2900.Let Michigan’s leading social security disability law firm help you get the benefits you deserve. Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Compassionate Excellence.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Top 10 Resources About College Graduate Resume Writing
Top 10 Resources About College Graduate Resume Writing Which is more difficult – making it through college or writing the resume once commencement is behind you? Even though youve spent the past few years writing papers every time you turn around, once you sit down to prepare your first post graduate resume, chances are youll find yourself with the most intense case of writers block youve ever had. If it is the case you might need to get acquainted with our step-by-step guide on writing resume. Writing about yourself and your academic accomplishments for a resume can be difficult, but there are some great resources out there that can help make it a lot easier. Yale Undergraduate Career Services You may not have scored an Ivy League education, but you can still have a resume that looks like you did. The Yale Undergraduate Career Services website is an amazing resource filled with tips and tricks for everything from creating that resume to acing the interview. With workshops, videos and tips on formatting, the pros at Yale can help you craft an amazing resume that will get you noticed. Their resume writing tips focus mainly on formatting guidelines and the best way t organize your information. Website Top Tip: Make sure your resume can be read on computers, tablets and smartphones – you never know how the executive you want to impress accesses his or her emails. ocs.yale.edu Grad to Great The Grad to Great website offers up advice on resume writing for recent graduates who dont know where to begin. The websites provides sample templates of the three top resume styles that you can download and tweak to fit your own style. They also provide a slew of employment and networking resources and you can follow them on Twitter for a daily nudge. Website Top Tip: Get back to basics with a resume that features plenty of white space, solid facts about your achievements and a professional approach. gradtogreat.com Monster Of course, if you want to get a job it helps to hit the job networking websites, and Monster has become the King of the Hill. Monster provides more than national job postings, though, they also offer up a number of helpful articles and tutorials for recent graduates as well as those who have been in the game for years. Website Top Tip: Break free from the traditional chronological format if youre just coming out of college. Use a more modern format that works to highlight your academic, civic and community achievements if youre lacking on real world job experience. career-advice.monster.com College Grad The College Grad website looks pretty basic at first glance, but dont let its simplistic style mislead you. The College Grad website packs in plenty of substance – from free resume wizards to samples you can download and make your own. They also offer specialized tips for video or creative resumes for graduates looking into positions in the creative arts or who just want to stand out from the crowd. Website Top Tip: Treat yourself like a product and it can make it easier to write a resume that focuses on selling you effectively. collegegrad.com College Central College Central works as a hub connecting college graduates with employers looking to actively hire. They also provide content that focuses both on resume writing and networking in addition to tips on getting a promotion and making the most of your position once you land the job. Website Top Tip: Build relationships with bosses, co-workers and anyone else you come into contact with from the minute you walk through the door on an interview. Make yourself at home and your interviewer will be better able to imagine you there. collegecentral.com Resume-Help.Org Resume-Help is another stripped down website that embodies the substance over style philosophy. Their simple and clean website offers up templates, samples and tips on formatting that can help you to create a simple but powerful resume no matter what field youre in. Website Top Tip: Be specific about your accomplishments. Instead of mentioning that you worked as a manager, mention how many people you managed or the profits the company experienced during that time. resume-help.org IMDiversity The IMDiversity website offers a way for employers and candidates to connect on a whole new level. They focus primarily on recent graduates as well as diversity, hence the name. IMDiversity is especially helpful for students who focused mainly on their academics and so may not have the employment experience they think they need. Website Top Tip: When developing your resume, use volunteer work, committee experience and other social or civic duties to highlight experience and abilities if youre short of real world job experience. imdiversity.com New Grad Life New Grad Life covers everything recent graduates need to know about approaching the career market, self promotion and nailing the interview. They also offer some job postings, though their positions arent as varied as some other websites. Their resume help, however, focuses on the newest ways to market yourself, including how to make an online resume pop. Website Top Tip: When setting up an online resume or portfolio use file sharing systems, your personal blog, RSS Feeds and other web savvy applications to show what you can do across a number of platforms. newgradlife.blogspot.com Experience As their name implies, the Experience website is all about getting the experience you need in order to get the career you want. Their career help covers initial resume building, interview skills and tips on internships and continuing education. Website Top Tip: While creativity is important, dont bombard potential employers with too much. Keep resumes and portfolios clean, stylized and streamlined in order to make the biggest impact. experience.com Theres also one website we didnt mention, guess what is it? Its EssayTigers! Weve completed several articles on writing resume for college students, including basic resume rules and how to write resume with no job experience. One more way to get help from us is to ask our professional writers for help!
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Separation and anxieties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Separation and anxieties - Essay Example Approximately four to five percent of the children in US suffer from this disorder. The disorder is not sex-specific meaning that it affects both males and females equally. The disorder usually wears off during the teens or puberty however a small percentage of people still retain it. Separation anxiety is a natural phenomenon in babies that are of the age group two to four since that is the time when they need their parents’ constant attention. However as the children grow up and start to become a little independent, this feeling dies off. In some cases, the anxiety persists and hence results in this so called separation anxiety disorder. There are many symptoms which may point towards the presence of this order. Some of the most common ones include not going to school or bed without the parents or a caretaker. Also there is a persistent fear in the minds of these children that something bad will happen to the guardian if they are separated from them which causes them to cry or act in a very hyper manner. Separation anxiety disorder has multiple origins. The most obvious being some mental distress or trauma that a child has gone through like an accident or a death in the family. However many a times the parents themselves are responsible for this condition. Sometimes the anxiety is mutual and a greater contribution comes from the side of the parents who refuse to let go of their children alone. Children whose parents are over protective have a greater likelihood of suffering from the separation anxiety disorder. The disorder is also thought to have genetic origins and it is said that parents who suffer or suffered from separation anxiety have a greater probability of having children who have to go through the same thing. During normal conditions the separation anxiety symptoms usually subside when the child gets assured that the parents
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Government 2301 Executive Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Government 2301 Executive Project - Essay Example This helpful act was brought into law by George W. Bush on December 3, 2004. This act has helped out and benefitted 6.8 children and youths suffering from disabilities (OELP). In order to gain a better understanding of the Office of Special Education Programs, it is important to take a closer look at the act, IDEA. IDEA has had a profound effect on individuals with disabilities. It was actually preceded by a different act, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142) put into law on Nov. 29, 1975 (IDEA’s Impact). This law was made in order to protect the rights of the needs of individuals with disabilities, as well as assisting their families. Before IDEA, many people with disabilities were not able to obtain the types of necessary opportunities to educate themselves successfully (IDEA’s Impact). A report in 1970 showed that several United States schools would not permit certain students with disabilities to enter the school (IDEA’s Impact). This, of course, greatly harmed the education of these individuals while at the same time making education seem like something these people did not deserve. However, in a fai r country with public education, shouldn’t everybody have access to it? This is why IDEA was formed. The act initiated programs that could discover disabilities relatively early on in order to assist students. This education would then be molded to fit these individuals’ basic needs, whether they were deaf, blind, mentally retarded, or suffered from some other type of disability. This has created an opportunity for children with disabilities to take advantage of their public schools (IDEA’s Impact). Thus, the schools have responded to this with different ideas. Some students have separate classes with different teachers, while others are learning with their non-disabled
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Questions on compensation management
Questions on compensation management Managers of compensation and benefits play vital role in determining key aspects of decisions taken during strategy creation on compensation. The key premise is that the way employees are compensated can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Two alternative approaches namely best-fit/contingent business strategy/environmental context approach and best practices approach are common and applied by compensation and benefits managers in their decision-making on strategy creation on compensation i) Based on the above scenario, analyse the approach your company uses to pay staff. Infer its compensation strategy using five issues (objectives, alignment, competitiveness, employee considerations and management). ii) How does your company compare the compensation strategy using five issues? (Objectives, alignment, competitiveness, employee considerations and management) with the TWO (2) selected benchmark companies of your choice? iii) What business strategy does it seem to fit (i.e., cost cutter, customer centered, innovator, or something else)? Why? QUESTION 2 You own a non-union company with 100 non-exempt employees. All of these employees pack books into boxes for shipment to customers throughout the Southeast Asia and Europe. Because of the wide differences in performance, you have decided to try performance appraisal that has never been done before. Until now, you have given every worker the same size increase. Now you want to measure performance and reward the best performers with bigger increases. Based on this: i) Propose and develop performance appraisal format that you think would be most appropriate. Why do you choose this format? Justify your answer. ii) Do you anticipate any complaints, or other comments, from employees after you have implemented your new system? Build argument to support your answer. DATE OF SUBMISSION : 13 November 2010 QUESTION 1 Managers of compensation and benefits play vital role in determining key aspects of decisions taken during strategy creation on compensation. The key premise is that the way employees are compensated can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Two alternative approaches namely best-fit/contingent business strategy/environmental context approach and best practices approach are common and applied by compensation and benefits managers in their decision-making on strategy creation on compensation Based on the above scenario, analyse the approach your company uses to pay staff. Infer its compensation strategy using five issues (objectives, alignment, competitiveness, employee considerations and management). Compensation Compensation is defined as pay provided to an employee by an employer in return for work performed as required by a relevant task in the form of monetary and non- monetary. http://humanresources.about.com/od/glossaryc/g/compensation.htm Compensation is based on: Economic outlook in the market research about the merit of comparable jobs in the marketplace; Contributions and accomplishments of an employee; Employees skills which is available in the marketplace; the need of a employer to retain and attract employees; and the success of the company or the availability of funds and capability of an employer to pay employee the market-rate compensation. Best Practice Best Practice is defined as methods and techniques that have consistently shown results superior than those achieved with other means, and which are used as benchmarks to strive for. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/best-practice.html Best Fit The McGraw-Hill text book quoted that the best-fit approach presumes that one size does not fit all. The art of managing compensation strategically involves fitting the compensation system to the different business and environment condition. It is important that each organisation develop a compensation system in the perspective of its organisation mission (what it is and what it does). Scholars have agreed that it is important that leaders of an organisation embrace compensation/fair pay practices. An effective system of compensation is highly significant because several problems relating to employee remuneration such as absenteeism occurs because employee feels they are under paid. Remuneration must fulfill the expectations and aspiration of employees and exploit their energies for the benefit of organisation. Retaining competent individuals for long is more difficult than attracting new fresh ones. Loyalty of employee towards an organisation depends on his/her perceptions about compensation. The organisations pay structure must, therefore be equitable and consistent. Employees get motivated to perform better when their past performance is rewarded adequately. Employees set expectations about rewards and compensation to be received, if certain levels of performance are achieved. Compensation Strategy in ABC Managed Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd Background of Organisation ABC Managed Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a subsidiary of ABC Consultants India Pte. Ltd. It was established here in Malaysia on July 2004 and has about 15 members as at today. Main focus of the business is Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO) and Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO). The HRO division takes care of the payroll processes and statutory compliance of organisations within the Asia region. Where the ITO division works on the information technology which assist a HR department to manage and maintain HR records. The organisation has mixed of local and expatriates member working for them. The Malaysia office is headed by a country manager who reports to Head of Asia Pacific who is based in Singapore. Current Practice at ABC Managed Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd Compensation in ABC Managed Services ABC Managed Services compensation program is managed by their corporate office based in Chennai, India and there is a compensation policy which is used as a guideline as their compensation program for all ABC Consultant employees worldwide. These policies are designed to assist in the consistent, equitable, and effective administration of the program, in all ABC Consultant operations and its locations. Application of these policies is contingent upon specific review of local legal, regulatory, tax, and prevailing business practice considerations. The policies applies to all employees and administered without regard to an employees race, color, nationality, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability as it relates to relevant local regulations. Responsibility of Compensation Administration The administration of ABC Managed Services compensation program is a shared responsibility. The manner in which responsibility is shared is as follows: The Board The Board will have responsibility for approving the ABC Managed Services pay strategy and philosophy, and for establishing annual compensation program priorities and budgets. Guidance will be provided to the Board by the Global Head of Human Resources. Global Head of Human Resources The Global Head of Human Resources, working with the Global Compensation Team and Regional HR Heads, is the final management authority on all compensation administration issues based on the Boards directives. Specific responsibilities include: Formulating and finalizing the overall compensation administration program objectives and general policies Recommending any promotions, equity adjustments and/or merit budget Approving any significant changes or exceptions to the compensation administration program Reviewing and approving career band and pay zone assignment for all new or revised jobs Reviewing and approving salary adjustments for all employees Ensuring the overall compensation administration program is administered in accordance with the policies and procedures documented in the compensation manual Reviewing, approving, and maintaining job descriptions for all jobs Producing regular monitoring report of salary increases and budget. Global Compensation Team/HR Regional Heads The Global Compensation Team and HR Regional Heads are responsible for maintaining the effectiveness of the compensation administration program for employees in their respective regions/countries. Specifically, the group will be collectively responsible for: Reviewing salary adjustments and making recommendations, declining or gaining approval from executive management Administering the compensation administration program in accordance with the policies and procedures documented in the compensation manual Developing, in conjunction with the Global Compensation Team, recruiter and hiring manager, an appropriate starting salary for new hire Department Management Each management employee is responsible for maintaining the effectiveness of the compensation administration program for employees in his/her area(s) of responsibility. Specifically, these department management employees are responsible for: Coaching and mentoring staff to deliver on corporate goals and values Conducting performance appraisals for subordinates Recommending salary adjustments and promotions when warranted Developing job descriptions for new/revised jobs within his/her area(s) of responsibility Developing, in conjunction with the Regional HR staff, an appropriate starting salary for a new hire Compensation objectives: Studies have shown that Pay systems are designed to communicate strong messages of strategy and directions are necessary to generate organisational performance. (Lawler, 1995) ABC Managed Servicess pay objectives are as follows:- to increase performance by reducing costs creating new process, enhancing quality and productivity increasing speed to market service Recognizing employee and team effort and treat everyone fairly To ensure that the organisation meets the above, it needs to focus on the capabilities of their employees. With the above objectives, ABC Managed Services and Global HR department uses it as a guide and as standard to design its pay system. Internal Alignment Since ABC Managed Services are into the HRO and ITO industry, the job and skills required by employee are compared to the companys organisation business objectives. For examples, in the HRO division, executive with knowledge/skills of preparing payroll for other part of Asia region are welcomed, it is found to be difficult to get talent with knowledge of other Asia countries payroll skills. Therefore, ABC Managed Services manages the differences with an addition of allowance if one knows and has Asia country pay rolling skills. The allowance can be in the range of RM300 to RM500 depending on experience and skills obtained. Since it is a niche market obtaining talent of such skills, the organisation also invest into additional training to be competitive within the standard and market. The organisation also encourages its team members to have multitasking skills and encourages harmonious working environment. The ABC Managed Services current pay structure is based on Pay- for performance. Pay for performance includes the management of both salary increments and bonuses, based on individual, group or company performance or a combination of these. External Competitiveness The ABC Managed Services has high risk losing its employee to its competitors. Based on the recent salary outlook survey conducted by Kelly Services recruitment agency for year 2010/2011, it is found that ABC Managed services is underpaying its employee 2% less compared to the market. Although ABC Managed Services is underpaying its members based salary, but it was providing good benefits such as traveling allowance, gym membership, and meal allowance. It also provides good annual leave structure for its employee which we cant find their competitors providing the same. Since the organisation is paying its employee based on performance, there are opportunities for its employees to perform better and get a higher pay. Employee Contributions In ABC Managed Services it emphasis pay for performance and it can be individual or team performances. At times, the organisation receives one time project which requires members to work in a team, so in this scenario, the management fix a onetime bonus payout for team achievement and paid to individual based on their contribution to the success of the project and if it is a team effort, the team will be paid double upon completion of the said project. This encourages the team members to work as a team since if it is a team effort the bonus will be higher if compared to an individual payout. If the customers give good feedback, the team will be given a holiday package as a treat. Management The decision of pay and incentives of ABC Managed Services is decided by Global Head of Human Resource who is based in India. She usually makes use of the information of labor market in local countries and base on the countrys economic status before establishing the compensation level for its employee. The text book mentioned that how open and transparent should the pay decisions be to all employees? In this case, employee here in Malaysia isnt aware how the pay is decided, or how the pay for performance is based on. All they know is that, their pay increases on yearly basis if their performance falls into exceed expectation category of their individual performance appraisal and what their immediate bosses has recommended on their performance. To answer the question, if the organisation is using Best Fit or Best Practice, I would say the organisation uses best fit which matches for the organisation to stay competitive in Malaysia and retain its employee so the scope for local judgment is built in, allowing for some adjustment by local management to local business needs, thus resulting in compensation system that are aligned to both corporate and local performance targets. ii) How does your company compare the compensation strategy using five issues (objectives, alignment, competitiveness, employee considerations and management) with the TWO (2) selected benchmark companies of your choice? I am using 2 other organisation which is in the same industry with ABC Managed Services which focuses on HR outsourcing business here in Malaysia. The only differences between ABC Managed Services and the other 2 organisation (ZX Services and MY Agency are both locally owned and not foreign owned like ABC Managed Services and been in the industry for more than 2 decades. All of this 3 organisation have a pay strategy to support their business strategy. ABC Managed Services ZX Services MY Agency Objectives To increase performance by reducing costs Creating new process, enhancing quality and productivity Increasing speed to market service Recognizing employee and team effort and treat everyone fairly Hard work towards meeting difficult goals and achieving objectives Innovation in a highly technical environment Team work motivated Perseverance against tough competition High ethical standards in a constantly changing world Support business mission and goals Internal Alignment Support Multitasking skills Performance based Encourage team culture Ensure compensation is internally equitable through annual pay analysis Ensure cost is justified allowing company to meet financial goals link pay to performance through the performance appraisal system ensure compensation is externally competitive through annual salary review; while salary increases are not guaranteed, we will review salaries annually Externally Competitive Market competition in base and benefits Leader in benefits Compares favorably with higher-performance competitors Their leaders are committed to review their programs, policies and practices on a regular, and as-needed, basis to maintain in the competitive position Career band system is based upon the 50th percentile of the competitive market in each country relative to the outsourcing industry Career bands and pay zones are broad, allowing company to reward high performing employees without undue pressure to promote people outside of their interests, Employee Contributions Bonuses and commission paid based on organisations success and on individual performance Annual salary increments rate is for respective countries based on market survey Annual increment based on individual performance Bonus based on the overall performance of the company Annual increment based on individual and team performance Management Annual Salary Increment controlled by top management of the organisation. Technology support Open communication Ensure compensation is internally equitable through annual pay analysis Ensure employees understand how they are compensated and the value of their total compensation packages Salary matters controlled by local company Salary matters controlled by local company Open and transparent Company ABC Managed seems to have aligned compensation strategy compared with the other 2 organisation. Their strategy is fitting into the organisations mission and also staying competitive within the industry. They have happy employees working for them and who have loyalty to serve the organisation. The organisation that fosters a friendly and family culture helps the organisation to meet its objective and goal to be a leader in the Outsourcing industry. Since ABC Managed Services is a new organisation compared with the other 2 organisation, there are always rooms for growth in the industry if they stay competitive. iii) What business strategy does it seem to fit (i.e., cost cutter, customer centered, innovator, or something else)? Why? In my opinion, I dont think there is one business strategy which seems to fit for any organisation. Most organisations will likely have the mixture or combination of cost cutter, customer centered or innovator as their strategy. In ABC Managed Services, their business strategy are based on being innovative, customer oriented since its in the services industry and always looking towards cost cutting measures and increase productivity. With these business strategies, it becomes the main drive for them to achieve their vision to become a leader in the HRO/ITO industry worldwide and remain excellent in customer satisfaction. Compensation decisions should be fully integrated into the organizations business and operations strategy, through company own compensation philosophy. QUESTION 2 You own a non-union company with 100 non-exempt employees. All of these employees pack books into boxes for shipment to customers throughout the Southeast Asia and Europe. Because of the wide differences in performance, you have decided to try performance appraisal that has never been done before. Until now, you have given every worker the same size increase. Now you want to measure performance and reward the best performers with bigger increases. Based on this: Propose and develop performance appraisal format that you think would be most appropriate. ( Enclosed) Why do you choose this format? Justify your answer. The reason why I choose the following format is because the performance appraisal form should be simple and easy to understand by employee and the supervisors. This method used to describe a performance rating that focused on specific behaviors or sets as indicators of effective or ineffective performance. This method is very useful and exact. This will also allow supervisor just focus on the questions based on competencies which had been stated on the form and provide rating according to employees performance. The appraisal form will also wont take much time for the employee to prepare and we used simple English as mode of communication. Performance appraisal encourages employee to discuss their performance with their supervisor and strengthen their working relationships. By doing a performance appraisal, it allows healthy competition among employees to be more productive and motivate since increment henceforth will be based on employees performance. Initial training will be provided to supervisor on how to use the performance appraisal and this will also allow us to inform all employees what is our organisations objective and what is expected from them to ensure the organisations goal are met. Having a performance appraisal will also help supervisor to ensure career path for all employees. The annual performance appraisal review becomes one of the most effective methods of insuring an efficient and effective operation. Question 2(i) Performance Appraisal Form Non Exempt employee Name of Appraisee: Appraisal Period: Department: Job Title: Name of Appraiser: Appraisal Date: Instructions Review the current position description with employee and discuss how the tasks relate to the performance standards. Use the following rating scale for each performance standard. High and low ratings must be supported by specific examples of critical incidents occurring during the appraisal period. Rating Scales Rating ( Scales of 1 5 ) Definition 5. Outstanding Exceptional performance in all areas of responsibility. Planned objectives were achieved well above the established standards and accomplishments were made in unexpected areas 4. Exceeds Expectations Performance consistently exceeds expectations of the position. Reserve this rating for a highly-motivated employee who demonstrates superior quality work and maintains a high level of effectiveness with little or no supervision. Document specific critical incidents of behavior that illustrate this rating on the back of the performance management form. 3. Meets Expectations Performance consistently meets expectations of the position. Use this rating for a fully-trained employee who performs all expectations of the position. 2. Needs Improvement Needs on-the-job or outside training to gain new skills and/or knowledge. Use this rating for an employee who is newly hired, recently promoted or has assumed new responsibilities. 1. Does Not Meet Minimum Standards Performance does not meet expectations of the position. Corrective action has been identified and discussed with the employee. Reserve this rating for an employee who has not benefited from development and training, and continues to have difficulty with job responsibilities. Document specific critical incidents of behavior that illustrate this rating on the back of the performance management form. Standards are divided into three categories: basic performance standards, optional performance standards and supervisors performance standards. Basic standards are designed to be used for all jobs. Supervisors can use optional standards in addition to the basic standards. They may also write standards that are specific to the job on additional paper and attach them to the form. The supervisors performance standards are for jobs with clearly defined supervisory responsibilities and are used in addition to the basic and optional standards for all supervisory jobs. The appraisal period is identified at the top of the form. To determine ratings, only use critical incidents that took place during this appraisal period. The section for goal setting is provided to promote discussion during the appraisal interview. Supervisors can identify goals for the next appraisal period, indicate training needs, or specify corrective action when appropriate. Once an employee and supervisor have set goals on a previous performance management form, supervisors will request the employee to conduct a self-assessment of progress towards these goals prior to the next performance appraisal interview. When an employee receives a 5 (Outstanding) rating, identify the critical incidents that support the rating. This rating cannot be used unless critical incidents are identified. When an employee receives a 2 (Need Improvement) or 1 ( Does not meet Minimum standard) rating, define corrective action required, identify an appropriate time frame for desired results, and discuss any appropriate training needs. If verbal or written counseling has occurred on the same topic during the appraisal period, indicate dates of the counseling and identify any evidence of progress. Have the employee sign the form when the appraisal interview is completed. The signature indicates all the information on the form has been discussed with the supervisor. Make copies of the completed form and give one copy to the employee, keep one copy for department files, and forward original to human resources. Complete the basic standards in Section I and select any optional standards from Section 2 that are appropriate for the job. Use ratings 5 Outstanding, 4 Exceeds expectations, 3 Meets expectations, 2 Needs performance development, or 1 Does not meet minimum standard. If you use 5, 2 or 1, you must document with specific examples of critical incidents to support the ratings on the back page. Section One: Basic Performance Standards Competency Description Ratings Job Knowledge Possesses knowledge of basic functions of the job. Does not require supervisor to explain routine tasks. Quality Completes tasks accurately, neatly and thoroughly. Checks work; limited rework required. Productivity Uses time effectively to complete work within prescribed deadlines with limited supervision. Safety Applies safe work habits for safety of self and coworkers. Uses tools and protective equipment carefully and correctly. Follows department safety rules. Service Responds to people in a helpful, polite, cooperative and friendly way. Judgment Analyzes situation before making decisions. Obtains feedback from appropriate individuals before making decisions. Follows policies and procedures. Maintains confidentiality. Relationships Works effectively with others to accomplish tasks. Shares information, accepts and incorporates suggestions from others. Keeps supervisor informed. Section Two: Optional Performance Standards Select any optional standards that are job related. You can also write standards that are specific to a job on a separate piece of paper. Competency Description Ratings Initiative Recognizes need for intervention and independently takes effective action. Attendance Arrives on time, schedules time off in advance. Sick leave accumulates regularly. Creativity Generates and applies creative ideas that improve operating procedures. Makes suggestions to simplify and improve procedures or tasks. Versatility Accepts changes in job or work area. Remains flexible and tries new approaches. Oral Communication Expresses thoughts clearly to others. Listens to questions and comments of others. Written Communication Expresses information clearly and concisely in writing. Job Enhancement Identifies job-related goals and ways to achieve them. Acquires new skills, increases education level when appropriate for job. Professional Appearance Dresses neatly and appropriately. Portrays image appropriate for job Rating Summary Count the total number of ratings in each category. 5 Outstanding 4 Exceeds Expectations 3 Meets Expectations 2 Needs performance development 1- Does Not Meet Minimum Standard Goals Use this area to set goals and identify training needs. Goals Training Needs High/Low Ratings Identify specific critical incidents of behavior that support rating 6, 2 or 1 ratings. Standard ( High/Low) Date Details of Critical Incident Supervisors Signature: Unit Heads signature: For HRD Use: Employees Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signing this form means your supervisor has discussed all the information on the form with you. You do not have to agree with the appraisal summary when you sign the form. You may choose to make comments. Use additional paper if necessary. Employees Signature Date ii) Do you anticipate any complaints, or other comments, from employees after you have implemented your new system? Build argument to support your answer. Yes, I do anticipate complaints after implementation since most of the employees didnt experience appraisal process for a long time in this organisation. Since its something new to them and they need to understand that the appraisal tool will help them to grow and be motivated. They shouldnt see the performance appraisal tool is used to judge their capability and a tool which make them loose their income. I foreseen several resistance from employees especially those fear of getting poor rating. To avoid such scenario, I will ensure the employees understand the purpose as well the process of appraisal. Every employee should be aware of the standard and what exactly is expected from them. The employees may fear that there also may be rater error which likely to occur, to avoid such incident the supervisor should exercise objectivity and fairness in evaluating and rating the performance of their employees. Training will be provided to supervisor and advising them on how to ensure accurate evaluation. Common errors like positive leniency, where supervisor gives all employee high scores or negative leniency, where supervisor gives all employee low scores. This will create unhappiness among employee especially for those who are really making good contribution and being productive. In reality, many supervisors conduct performance appraisal poorly. The appraisal procedure is to have 2 way communications between employee and supervisor to find out how to improve the current performance standard and move to the next level, but this seldom
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