Monday, December 23, 2019
Grapes of Wrath Ch.5-8 Theme Analysis - 1845 Words
Oscar Medina AP Lit Per.1 Mr. Royal February 9, 2012 Grapes of Wrath Ch. 5-8 Analysis Ch.5 Theme: A theme found in this chapter is â€Å"The Monster,†or to be more exact, human control. The Monster is the bank, as it takes the money away from all the people. The bank has a power over the people, as they are desperate just to clear their debt fro m the bank. It is as though it is a monster, forcing the people to do whatever is possible, from stealing to scavenging, just to help with the debt. Some are forced to leave their lands and travel to California, where it is said to have jobs, so the people have to raise money for the trip. Humans lose control of their own lives, and have to do unorthodox things to help their lives. They are controlled†¦show more content†¦They see the truck and believe that the smoke from their fire set them off. Joad believes that the superintendent will not do much, as they are not doing anything, but Muley knows that he will, because they are trespassing on the land, and even that is enough for the superintendent to kill them. à ¢â‚¬Å"We’re doin’ somepin jus’ bein’ here. We’re trespassin’†(77). The superintendent basically hunts trespassers, and Muley knows, as he becomes the hunted, and also becomes a â€Å"run-an’-hide fella†(78). It gets more dramatic as there are only two options for Joad and Casy, especially since the deputy has a gun, â€Å"he either got to kill you or you got to get his gun away an’ kill him†(79). It situation becomes extreme especially with the possibility of death, but luckily there are able to scathe off the deputy. Ch.7 Theme: A theme for this chapter is deception. It takes about the car owners, and what they did to make a huge profit. Many people, due to the great depression, and hearing of news of opportunity in California, had wanted to travel, since any hope of being successful, if you weren’t already, was slim in these parts of the country. To travel they would need a car to help them get to California.Show MoreRelatedA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words  | 209 Pagesused in conjunction with the correct constellations, this chapter is devoted to the latter. The author gives a descriptive list of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon, according to the â€Å"Indian†system, and assigns to each its correct talisman. Analysis of the passage shows that it is a compound of â€Å"Indian†doctrines, the tenets of Dorotheus of Sidon (both attested by Ibn abi ‘l-Rijà ¢l) and elements from a list ascribed to Hermes (attested by the Ihwà ¢n al-Safà ¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢) (pp.14-21). At t he beginning of the
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Night Creature Hunter’s Moon Chapter 31 Free Essays
Because I was pathetic and needy. I missed love. I needed sex. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 31 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pathetic. See? My cell phone rang – the sound shrill in the sudden silence. Both of us jumped. I got up to answer. Damien was so close, I shoved him back as I went by, and he let me. If he was a big, bad werewolf wouldn’t he have killed me by now? Why wait? Avoid the rush. I was grasping at straws and I knew it. â€Å"Hello?†â€Å"Liebchen.†I gripped the phone more tightly, calmed by Edward’s voice. My eyes met Damien’s and I hesitated. I knew what Edward would want me to do, and I couldn’t. Not yet. â€Å"I received your message,†he continued. â€Å"Any more information for me?†â€Å"Wasn’t that enough?†I asked. â€Å"I would say no. The native woman – â€Å" Edward, ever politically incorrect – what can you expect from an eighty-year-old-and-then-some former spy? â€Å"Her information was interesting, but we still do not know what the power eater plans for the night of the hunter’s moon. You do not know where their lair is.†â€Å"Any clues on that?†â€Å"Search for a gathering place. Isolated. Protected.†â€Å"Been there, done that. Found nothing.†â€Å"I cannot help you, Leigh. I am here; you are there. Do the job.†â€Å"Why don’t you come and help me?†I blurted, then wished I hadn’t. Edward might look like anyone’s great-granddad, but he wasn’t. He’d blow Damien’s brains out without a second thought. Step on the remains, grind them into dust, and never flinch. Once I’d been that way, too. Suddenly I wasn’t, and it left me floundering and alone. â€Å"I can’t,†he answered. I frowned. Edward had been saying that since I’d gotten to Crow Valley. It wasn’t like him to avoid the action. â€Å"Why?†â€Å"You’ve been trained for this job. You do not need me.†His voice was clipped, angry. Something was going on, but I knew Edward well enough to know he wasn’t going to tell me what it was. â€Å"Have you done any further investigation of the odd dwelling with the human remains? I have never heard of anything like it.†Which couldn’t be good. â€Å"I haven’t been back. What should I look for?†â€Å"I have no idea.†This from the man who knew everything. I continued to study Damien as I spoke to Edward. He leaned against the wall and stared right back. His odd, changeable, unblinking eyes should have made me leery. Instead they made me hot. I was crazier than even I thought I was. Why hadn’t I recognized Damien’s eyes in those of the brown wolf? I’d taken one glance at Hector in wolf form and known him for what he was. Damien†¦ not so much. His eyes were strange – changing hue depending on the light and what he was wearing. Still, I should have known. Unless, maybe, I hadn’t wanted to see. Edward mumbled something on the other end of the line. â€Å"What was that?†â€Å"I have to go, Leigh.†And he did. Just like that. â€Å"Now what?†Damien asked. Exactly. Now what? Was there a way to check his story? Maybe. â€Å"Do you have a Social Security number?†â€Å"I did.†At my frown he continued, â€Å"I died in Germany, remember?†â€Å"So you say.†Damn. How was I going to check out his story without tipping off every Jager-Sucher in the country that I was investigating someone who was already dead? I had no idea. The question disturbed me so much, I let my guard drop. The next instant Damien stood right next to me. I tried to bring up the rifle, but he snatched it away and tossed it on the bed. The heel of my hand shot toward his nose. Old habits are hard to break. He blocked the blow with a lightning-fast movement that nevertheless appeared lazy. How did they do that? He yanked me against his body, and he wouldn’t let me go. My heart thundered in my ears, warring with the harsh, panting sound that at first I thought was him but in-stead turned out to be me. I was panicked, frightened, and so turned on my skin seemed to be dancing around on top of my bones. Was he going to kill me? Or worse? I struggled, but that only seemed to excite him more. His erection pressed against my stomach, pulsing and shifting, as if it had a life of its own. He pressed his face to my neck, inhaled as if memorizing my scent. Hell, maybe he was. My hands were trapped against my body; my feet dangled above the floor. I could do nothing to stop him, and in truth, I didn’t want to. His tongue blazed a hot, wet trail from my collarbone to my ear. His teeth grazed the throbbing vein at the curve. I shuddered as he nibbled and laved. My hands were free. Instead of socking him in the eye, I pulled him closer, my fingers tangling in the dark, curling strands of his hair. When had my legs wrapped around his waist? When had his palms cupped my ass? He nuzzled the tops of my breasts. I yanked my shirt down and his mouth closed over a nipple, his tongue pressing me against the roof of his mouth, once, twice, again. I tightened my legs. I was going to come. He lifted his head and whispered, â€Å"I love you, Leigh.†My body went ice-cold. I didn’t have to struggle; this time when I pulled away he let me go. My breasts were still exposed, wet from his mouth, aching with arousal and frustration. I covered myself and fought the urge to take a shower. Hurt flickered in his eyes; his face hardened. â€Å"It’s OK to have sex with you but not to love you?†I lifted my chin. â€Å"That’s right. I seem to recall a deal that involved taking what you could get.†â€Å"I’ve been taking most of my life. I’ve finally found someone I want to give something to.†â€Å"I’m not buying.†â€Å"I’m not selling. I’m giving. I love you.†â€Å"Stop saying that!†I shouted. Jimmy had loved me. It had gotten him killed. Damien could take care of himself, like Hector. Who had also loved me. Sick son of a bitch. Which man did Damien most favor? Sweet Jimmy who’d wanted nothing more than for me to be happy? Or demonic Hector who’d only wanted me to be like him? Shit. â€Å"Leigh,†Damien whispered, his fingers caressing my arm, his breath in my hair. â€Å"What can I do to make you believe me?†I was swaying toward him before I realized it. Since I’d lost my family, my future, and my mind, I’d prided myself on my self-reliance. I needed no one. In that way I could never be destroyed again when someone I loved died. How many days had I known Damien? Already my body accepted his nearness, trusted him above my head and my heart. Stupid body. I wanted to lean on him, believe in him, but I couldn’t. I inched away, stood on my own again, even though my hand lingered on his arm, slid through his palm, fingers clinging for just an instant to his. â€Å"I have no idea,†I answered, which was true. How could I prove he wasn’t an evil werewolf when, as far as I knew, there’d never been a nonevil one before? Asking Edward would raise too many questions. Same thing with Jessie and Will. The door burst open and Damien shoved me behind him. Impressive. But was the move real or had he heard Jessie pounding up the stairs with his superwolf powers? More than likely. â€Å"Knock much?†I asked. She ignored me. Her face was eager; she was practically dancing on the tips of her toes. â€Å"I have to talk to you,†she blurted. â€Å"Alone.†Damien shrugged and headed for the door. I reached for him and caught just the tail of his shirt. The silk slid through my fingers and was gone. I didn’t want him out of my sight. What if I never saw him again? â€Å"Damien?†He turned. â€Å"Don’t – uh – go anywhere, OK?†He lifted a brow. â€Å"Where would I go?†Was he trying to be a smart-ass? I couldn’t be sure. â€Å"Jeez, Leigh, you can hop back into the sack with him later.†I winced. Thankfully she didn’t notice, but Damien did. His eyes went sad and he slipped out the door. Why did I feel as though I’d kicked a puppy? The analogy almost made me laugh until Jessie spoke. â€Å"We’ve got two more half-eaten wolves.†â€Å"Where?†â€Å"Elwood found them near his house about forty-five minutes ago. He lives a good thirty miles on the other side of town.†Thirty miles from Crow Valley. Ten miles from the tavern to town, which made forty miles away. â€Å"Had they been dead long?†â€Å"That’s the best part. Elwood saw the wolf eating them.†Our eyes met. I didn’t even have to ask. â€Å"White,†she said. â€Å"Just like we thought.†â€Å"That doesn’t mean much with super-duper shape-shifter powers.†â€Å"Doesn’t hurt, either.†I thought about what she’d said. The white wolf had been seen forty miles from here at the same time I’d been saved by a brown wolf, which I knew to be Damien. It didn’t mean Damien couldn’t have killed those wolves; he could even have had a nibble or two. But he couldn’t be the white wolf. This was good news and made me feel a little bit better about not telling Jessie the truth. â€Å"You ran all the way out here and burst in like a kid on Christmas morning to tell me this?†I asked. â€Å"You couldn’t use the phone?†â€Å"You shut it off, dip wad.†I frowned, crossed the room, glanced at my cell. I had. Chalk it up to having my life come apart at the seams again. â€Å"I was talking to Edward,†I said. â€Å"Anything interesting?†â€Å"Not really.†Jessie nodded as if she’d expected as much. â€Å"Cora called.†â€Å"And?††She found something interesting.†â€Å"Where?†â€Å"In her Textbook of Witches and Werewolves. How the hell should I know? Cadotte was practically prancing when he got off the phone. Couldn’t wait to tell you all about it.†â€Å"Where is he?†Jessie opened her mouth, then shut it again, shrugged. â€Å"I pointed out that this information might be easier coming from a girl.†Aw, hell. â€Å"Spill it, Jessie.†â€Å"Why don’t we sit?†â€Å"That bad, huh?†â€Å"You aren’t going to like it. That much I know. But Will’s on the job. He’s searching every Internet corner and every book that he has to find a way to stop this before it happens.†â€Å"Stop what?†Jessie sat on the couch. I perched on the edge of a chair. She sighed and spilled it. â€Å"Remember what Sister Spooky said about the night of the hunter’s moon?†â€Å"Sacrifice. Blood, death, tears. Yada yada.†Jessie smiled. â€Å"There’s a little more to it than that.†â€Å"Isn’t there always?†â€Å"Yep. Did you know that only the alpha pair in a wolf pack can mate?†â€Å"I seem to recall something about it in Wolf Behavior 333.†Jessie lifted a brow. â€Å"Hell. Supreme alpha. The ritual involves sex?†â€Å"So I hear.†â€Å"With who?†â€Å"His mate.†My back started to burn as if someone had doused it with kerosene and struck a match. How to cite Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 31, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Introducing An Methodology In A Traditional â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Introducing An Methodology In A Traditional? Answer: Introducation The scenario of the project is developed for the implementation of the local and native languages and it had deployed the effective use of project management concepts for the implication of the project management titled Our Language is Important. The local and tribal languages of aboriginal and Torres Strait Island would be implied for the development of the signage at CQU University in local language. The project had been implied for the development of the local languages with the signage boards at CQU University. The situation of the project is produced for the execution of the nearby and local dialects and it had sent the powerful utilization of project administration ideas for the ramifications of the project titled Our Language is Important. The neighborhood and tribal dialects of native and Torres Strait Island would be inferred for the improvement of the signage at CQU University in nearby dialect. The project had been suggested for the improvement of the nearby dialects with the signage sheets at CQU University. The project would be helpful for the development of the improvement of the operations and it would be helpful for developing the signage boards of CQU University. The use of local languages would be implied for forming the supplementary development of the process. The local languages are used for the implication of the process. The development of the project is implied for the development of the project of the language promotion. The key deliverable for the project include the development of the signage boards that would be helpful for implication of the local languages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait. The project would be useful for the advancement of the change of the operations and it would be useful for building up the signage sheets of CQU University. The utilization of nearby dialects would be suggested for framing the supplementary improvement of the procedure. The neighborhood dialects are utilized for the ramifications of the procedure. The improvement of the project is infe rred for the advancement of the project of the dialect advancement. The key deliverable for the project incorporate the advancement of the signage sheets that would be useful for ramifications of the nearby dialects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait. Key Deliverables Deliverable Key Deliverable Promotion and development of the native and local languages that had been used in Torres Strait and Aboriginal Island at CQU University Sub-deliverable 1 Construction and putting the Signage made in local languages in the CQU University Sub-deliverable 2 The students and local people would be able to get acknowledged with the local languages and it would help in promoting the languages among all people Justification Output Outcome Benefits The construction and putting the Signage made in local languages in the CQU University would be the primary output of the project The students and local people would be able to get acknowledged with the local languages and it would help in promoting the languages among all people of the area 70% of the students would be able to know due to the promotion and development of the native and local languages that had been used in Torres Strait and Aboriginal Island at CQU University Justification statement The project would be helpful for the development of the improvement of the operations and it would be helpful for developing the signage boards of CQU University. The development of the project is implied for the development of the project of the language promotion. The key deliverable for the project includes the development of the signage boards that would be helpful for implication of the local languages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait. The key deliverable for the project incorporates the advancement of the signage sheets that would be useful for ramifications of the nearby dialects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait. The local and tribal languages of aboriginal and Torres Strait Island would be implied for the development of the signage at CQU University in local language. The project had been implied for the development of the local languages with the signage boards at CQU University. High level risks Cause Event Effect Issues in developing the signage board The construction of the signage boards can be disoriented due to the loss of any specific issue such as loss of time, exhaustion of the budget or technical issue The development of the signage would not be supported by these issues and the construction of the boards would not be completed in time Cause Event Effect Unable to accompany the languages of aboriginal and Torres Strait Island The local languages of the islands might not be able to be understood by the people and students of CQU University. The misinterpretation of the messages of the signage boards would not be evaluated by them The students and people would not be able to convey the messages of the signage boards. The understanding of the languages would not be able to convey the messages clearly Schedule for Key Deliverables Deliverable Start Date End Date Project Plan 4/26/18 5/25/18 Signage Boards 6/12/18 7/5/18 Removal of Dull Signage boards 8/21/18 8/30/18 Proposed Lifecycle: Waterfall (Traditional) or Agile The Agile is the best methodology for developing the project management for the development of project Our Language is Important (Mahadevan, Kettinger Meservy, 2015). The Agile methodology is a modified financial for the deployment of the project for changing the Signage Boards and installing them at the CQU University. The method is a step by step method that includes the development factor and review of the step at the same time. Roberts, Cowart and Campbell (2015), have stated that the agile methodology would be implied for the processes of the advantageous deployment of the checking and reviewing of the project process. The agile methodology would be implied for integrating the functions of the processes. Summary Budget Activities Deliverables Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 1. Requirement Analysis $8,640 2. Planning Phase $6,000 $12,000 3. Implementation Phase $2,016 $6,360 $13,000 $16,600 4. Verification Phase $18,240 5. Completion Phase $640 $6,400 Proposed Contract Type The proposed contract type for the project of Our Language is important should be of fixed term and it would help in forming the development of the Signage Board for the implication of the improved processes (Jin, Wang Hu, 2015). According to scholars like Storto (2014), the workers and contractors have been implemented in the time that has been allocated for the fixed amount of cost. Stakeholders Stakeholder Category Sponsor / Supplier / User 1 CQU University Boards Sponsor 2 College Professors User 3 Project Team Supplier 4 External Contractor Supplier 5 Workers Supplier 6 Students and people User Structure of Project Board Board Role Details Executive Name: John Smith Position: Board Members Organisation: CQU University Senior User Name: Wiz Leaf Position: College Professor Organisation: CQU University Supplier Name: Lauren White Position: Student Organisation: CQU University Project Manager Prior to project board meetings the project manager should send a status report to the project board members for their consideration. The project manager is not a member of the project board but does attend board meetings to brief the project board members and answer any questions they may have on the status of the project. Project Approvals Requires approval of successful completion / achievement. Approver (Name, Position, Organisation) 1. Key Deliverable Project Manager CQU University 2. Sub Deliverable 1 Project Manager CQU University 3. Sub Deliverable 2 Project Manager CQU University 4. Project has achieved the benefits. Lauren White Board Members CQU University Charter Approval The undersigned acknowledge that they have reviewed the Our Language is Important Charter and agree with the information presented within this document. Signature: Lauren White Date: Print Name: Lauren White Title: Board Member Organisation: CQU University References Jin, Y., Wang, S., Hu, Q. (2015). Contract type and decision right of sales promotion in supply chain management with a capital constrained retailer.European Journal of Operational Research,240(2), 415-424. Ko, D. G., Kirsch, L. J. (2017). The hybrid IT project manager: One foot each in the IT and business domains.International Journal of Project Management,35(3), 307-319. Larson, E. W., Gray, C. (2013).Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. lo Storto, C. (2014). Benchmarking operational efficiency in the integrated water service provision: does contract type matter?.Benchmarking: An International Journal,21(6), 917-943. Mahadevan, L., Kettinger, W. J., Meservy, T. O. (2015). Running on Hybrid: Control Changes when Introducing an Agile Accounting in a Traditional" Waterfall" System Development Environment.CAIS,36, 5. Martinelli, R. J., Milosevic, D. Z. (2016).Project management toolbox: tools and techniques for the practicing project manager. John Wiley Sons. Roberts, M., Cowart, S., Campbell, M. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 9,043,744. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
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