Saturday, November 30, 2019
Kim’s Writing Process Timeline Essay Example
Kim’s Writing Process Timeline Essay The internet is a handy resource to everyone, especially the student who has a full educational schedule and a busy life outside of the academic arena. It is also helpful to professional educators and parents of students. However, along with all of the valid resources on the internet there is an equal amount of invalid material. The users of the internet need to be able to evaluate a website and determine the accuracy of a site. Kim’s Korner for Teacher Talk is a website that was developed by educator, Kim Steele and even though it states that it is for everyone of all ages, (Steele) the target audience is parents, students, and other teachers. Through this website, it will be explained how a website should be evaluated for its validity. Kim’s Korner for Teacher Talk has a page that is the writing process and a timeline that she uses with her students to make sure that they are on task. She understands that â€Å"Writing is a process, not merely a product.†(OWL)  Her students accumulate points for each step of the process and they have a time frame in which they must complete their work. The objective for creating the timeline is to keep her students focused and to make sure that writing is not difficult and overwhelming. By dividing the assignment into stages, a student will realize quickly if there is a problem with the topic chosen for the writing assignment. We will write a custom essay sample on Kim’s Writing Process Timeline specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Kim’s Writing Process Timeline specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Kim’s Writing Process Timeline specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The sample timeline offers nine steps during the writing process. Understanding process helps us recognize where a student writer is in his or her process and offer help appropriate to that phase. (Trupe). Kim states that the website is for all ages, but it seems to be geared toward elementary students because of the graphics that she uses. With some tweaking, the timeline could be used for any educational level. The first thing one would want to do if he/she were using this with older students is to remove the graphics, and perhaps using diction that is more academic. The timeline that is designed by Kim is geared to allow students to have a time frame in which steps in the writing process are due and when the final draft is due. To many students this would be beneficial. The student who procrastinates can obviously understand that he/she cannot delay the assignment until the night before the final draft is due. It would also assure the teacher that all of the steps are used by the student. Many times students will delay doing their assignment and they will rush through it at the last minute. This often times leads to poor quality work. If the teacher uses the timeline, he/she will be assured that this will not happen. Good writing habits do not just happen. They must be practiced like a sport or musical instrument. The longer one practices, the better he/she becomes at the task. If the teacher uses this timeline for a long period of time, the student will eventually internalize the writing process so that in later on when the student is no longer in the class of the teacher using it, he/she will automatically go through the steps of the writing process. This is a useful tool for the teacher to share his/her own writing experiences. He/She should be able to discuss how he/she has benefited from using the writing process. A child believes a teacher has no life beyond the classroom. A teacher is the face in the front of the room, the person who hands out assignments and issues grades. Where she came from, or how she got there, doesnt register. (Hallman) Another positive aspect of the timeline is that the teacher is involved in each step. He/She should be checking the assignment at each due date which will guarantee that the students are accurate in what they are doing for the assignment. If there are problems, the teacher can intervene early on instead of catching the problem at the very end. If a conversational tone is used with the student, then h/she will not feel threatened or intimidated. How can teachers view writing assessment as a conversation? First, pay attention to what goes on in your mind as you read students writing, and articulate those reactions; give each student your experience of reading her or his paper. As students respond to your reactions, you might find that your interpretation and suggestions change. Be open to each writers purposes, experiences, and personality, using everything you know about that person and yourself as a reader. (Wilson) This would be frustrating to a student who had put a lot of time into an assignment that was not acceptable. The student would then loose points for the daily assignments as well as many points on the final draft. That would lead to failure and frustration for the student. However, the timeline would alert the teacher to the problem while it was a small one instead of a huge one. The timeline includes a two brainstorming sessions which is a positive aspect for the students. The first brainstorming session would allow for the student to choose a topic. Many times this is the hardest step. Almost everyone has at one time or another stared at a blank piece of paper or computer screen for a long time because he/she is utterly clueless about which topic to choose. The first brainstorming session would insure that this did not happen to the students. The second session of brainstorming would aid the students in narrowing their topic. There are many times that students will choose a topic that is too broad. When a topic is broad, it would take enough information to fill a book to cover it. Instead, this second brainstorming session, with the help of graphic organizers, would alleviate the problem. Once the first draft is written, there is an opportunity for revising for coherence, writing a second draft, and editing for usage and mechanics. These steps might seem time consuming, but in the long run they are beneficial. Students’ final drafts will be much better if these steps are followed.   Peer revision for coherence is used after the first draft is written. The process of student self-assessment through rubrics can be enhanced with peer assessment and teacher feedback, of course. (Andrade).  This step allows another student to read the assignment for clarity. Using peers for this evaluation is actually better than a teacher because the peer is the targeted audience therefore, less biased. The student can then understand where there is no clarity and he/she then revises the assignment by writing the second draft. The paper then goes through peer editing to check for usage and mechanic problems with the paper. This is done separately fr om the first peer conference so that the student can concentrate on one area at a time and so that the writer is not overwhelmed with the number of mistakes found on the paper. The student should also use self-assessment during the peer revision and editing steps. Even though the peer is useful in giving objective criticism, the peer is also a student like the writer. During self-assessment, students reflect on the quality of their work, judge the degree to which it reflects explicitly stated goals or criteria, and revise. Self-assessment is formative  students assess works in progress to find ways to improve their performance. Self-evaluation, in contrast, is summative  it involves students giving themselves a grade (Andrade) Even though the writing process designed and used by Kim is beneficial for most students, there are some that it would hinder success. While it would greatly help a student with an attention deficit disorder because the student would not be focused on one aspect of the writing process for a long time, it could be overwhelming to a student who has other learning disabilities. When a student has a learning disability in written expression sees the amount of time that he/she will be working on a task that is a disability to him/her, then the student is likely to give up before he/she even starts the assignment. It would also frustrate that student to see that so many points were allotted to an assignment that is already difficult for him/her. Embarrassment is another problem when it comes to peer revision and editing. For a student with no learning disability, the chance that his/her paper is not totally full of mistakes is not a problem. However, the student wit h a problem in written expression would see peer revision and editing in a totally different light. Not only would the embarrassment frustrate the student, but the time constraints could be a horrible blow. The only way that the writing process timeline could work with this student would be if the due dates were revised for that student. After closely analyzing the website Kim’s Korner for Teacher Talk, the conclusion is that the website is a positive one and the information presented would be of great benefit for most teachers. However, the students with learning disabilities in written expression should be taken into account. If the teacher forgets about these students and does not make major adjustments to the writing process timeline, these students will be doomed for failure.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
101 Peer Review Professor Ramos Blog
101 Peer Review Speed Review Quick Write What questions do you have about the essay? Speed Review What story are you analyzing? What are you looking at in the story? What scenes are you looking at? In-Text Citations One author: (Ramos 23). Two Authors: (Ramos and Smith 23). Three or more authors: (Ramos et al. 23). Quote from the article â€Å"Sandra Cisneros’s Modern Malinche: A Reconsideration of Feminine Archetypes in Woman Hollering Creek†by Alexandra Fitts: Cisneros reevaluates, and in a way revalues, the three most prevalent representations of Mexican womanhood: the passive virgin, the sinful seductress, and the traitorous mother, idolized in the figures of the Virgin of Guadalupe, La Malinche, and La Llorona. Peer Review Keep these things in mind. Peer edit the same way you revise your own work. Be specific in identifying problems or opportunities. Offer suggestions for improvement. Praise what is genuinely good in the paper. Peer Workshop Workshop looking for structure and evidence, â€Å"Chips and Salsa.†Find the chips for your essay and the salsa to make it good. Make sure you have the right amount of salsa for each chip.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Biodiversity and Ecosystem
a. Round 1 = In this round I removed lichens from the ecosystems. This would have a huge effect on the ecosystem because they play a role in the creation of soil where plants obtain nutrients. If they are taken out it can affect trees and flowers which affect bees, because they depend on them. This also effect humans that depend on the bees for honey and the fruit that the bees help pollinate. b. Round 2 = In this round humans was removed. By removing humans there was a little effect on the ecosystem. We are the top of the food chain and, but our actions do more damage then good for the environment. c. Round 3 = In this round bees was removed. This is a huge problem in today’s environment and effects the pollination of plants. Because of the removal of bees it really affects the ability of plants to produce fruits, which allow humans food. d. Round 4 = In this round flowers was removed. This was an affects to the ecosystem because flowers deliver food for bees. Bees provide honey and pollinate plants. Because of the removal of flowers it eventually removes bees which effect humans and the food chain. 2. Provide one action we as humans engage in that leads to the extinction of each of these components. Action affecting Lichens = Humans affect lichens with air pollution, industrialization and the introduction of sulphur dioxide can kill lichens. (Air Quality and Lichens, 2014) Action affecting Trees = Humans cut down trees to use for lumber, and to expand. This deforestation is the largest way for humans to affect trees. Action affecting Flowers = The way humans are affecting the flowers is by over population and polluting the air with automobiles that can produce acid rain. Action affecting Bees = The actions that humans take to affect bees is by destroying habitats, 3. Provide three specific actions that humans can take to minimize our impact on the ecosystem and ensure the survival of lichens, trees, flowers, and bees. Action 1 = Humans can reduce the amount of pollution that produced by using more efficient automobiles and public transportation. Action 2 = Humans can reduce the amount of pollutants the produce by using more efficient automobiles and public transportation. Action 3 = The other action they can do to minimize the impact on the ecosystem is to recycle this will save the need to destroy habitats for more resources. Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants Table 2: Number of Each Plant Species Present in Pot 1 and Pot 2 Species Observed Number in Pot 1(sunlight) Number in Pot 2(shade) Zinnia 2 1 Marigold 2 2 Morning Glory 3 1 Cosmos 8 4 Ryegrass 3 2 Total Number of Species in Pot: 18 10 POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. Develop a hypothesis on which pot you believe will contain the highest biodiversity. Hypothesis = I believe that the plants that are in the sun will develop the highest biodiversity. 2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this. Accept/Reject = I accept my hypothesis because the flowers that I grew in the planter that I placed in the sun made the most flowers and different types. 3. If each pot was a sample you found in a group of wildflowers, would you determine based on the diversity of flowers that the ecosystem is healthy? Why or why not. Answer = I was so impressed with the amount of flowers that grew in both environments. In my determination based on the diversity of flowers that the ecosystem is healthy. There was actually a lot of plants in both of the environment but of course the ones in the sunlight had a healthier ecosystem. 4. How does biodiversity contribute to the overall health of an ecosystem? Provide specific examples and utilize at least one scholarly resource to back your answer. Answer = Biodiversity is very important to the health of an ecosystem. The greater species diversity is it ensures natural sustainability for all life forms. It provides natural services such as soil protection, water resources, pollution breakdown, food, medical resources, and future resources, according to Shah (2014). She states â€Å"Each species depends on the services provided by other species to ensure survival. It is a type of cooperation based on mutual survival and is often what a â€Å"balanced ecosystem†refers to†(2014). Crops are used to feed cattle, then the cattle waste nourishes the crops. Crops, as well as yielding grain also yield straw , the straw provides organic matter and fodder, crops are therefore food sources for humans and animals then the soil and organisms such as bacteria and algae serve as nitrogen fixers. Rodents, then aerate the soil and improve its water-holding capacity Spiders, centipedes and insects grind organic matter from the surface soil and leave behind enriched droppings. This large biodiversity is accentual to maintaining health crops and animals for the food supply.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Writer's choice but i would like anything about technology Essay
Writer's choice but i would like anything about technology - Essay Example , assigns to the bigger Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) in the portrayal for its thinking of instructing to the "heart and hands" of its pupils, and for the Waldorf School of the Peninsula in Silicon Valley, the procedure eliminates the usage of technology through the perspective of communication, with the help of its anti-screens from their daily school routine, announcement. Advocates for this thinking discard technology in learning, by appealing that it prevents inventiveness, human interface and perhaps, care for more creative doings, which actions such schools describe as bodily drive, and inventive hands-on initiatives. For the Waldorf School of the Peninsula, whose followers comprise kinfolks of some of the more known high tech firms in Silicon Valley, their assignment was solely to nurture the total personality of their students with its biodynamic orchard and expansive schoolrooms, but built with the solid purpose â€Å"to offer an instructive substitute that encompassed the transcendent and were not inclined to discard but moved past technology," as elucidated in their website. While all advocates for pragmatic education are not contrasting with the essentials according to learning benefits, and standards for practice of instruction outfits such as technology in the schoolroom, Waldorf Schools keep away themselves all the more from the conventional, through describing some facets of educational responsiveness, such as technology, as not desirable within the dominion of the students daily assignments , but also through scientific reflection during a students whole presentation. Waldorf does not approve nor governs homogeneous testing and depresses the procedure of categorizing student accomplishment over counting on any math or reading program, an assessment that is required to be articulated intuitively. In a society in which adolescent education is a requirement and higher education is advisable, school systems flourish with
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 17
Hamlet - Essay Example The role of a madman that is played by Hamlet tries to proof that the poet is a genius. There is no way that a guarantor for the madness of the prince can be provided not unless the readers are ready to hold that no mad man can stimulate lunacy. Shakespeare must as well have been insane to make it possible for him to portray the traits of a madman in the play. The portraying of the lunacy traits cannot be ascribed to the characters since they are just used as tools to portray it. This is a sign and a way to portray the genius possessed by Shakespeare (Rosenberg, P 393). The perfect awareness of the symptoms that depict madness possessed by Shakespeare appears to be the products of both his imagination and the observation that he has made from the symptoms that are exhibited by real people. The way he portrays madness in the play, is a reality as compared to the real madness in nature and very true to the nature. It is more accurate to say that his knowledge on the deranged is due to his observation and the research he had done but not from his imagination. The sincerity of the madness of Hamlet can only be known by knowing the intention of the poet since medical experts had testified that he had all the symptoms that suggested dementia. A comparison of the madness that is shown by Hamlet and Edgar in the Hamlet is symbolized by a flash of light that occurs in the darkness. This is because they are both seen to be pretending that they are mad. Edgar suffers from the disloyalty of his brother and he plays the role of a fool. This happens to Hamlet who is also a victim of his uncle’s disloyalty and he is deceived by his impersonate madness (Rosenberg, P 393). In Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Hamlet, we are expected to find both the proofs of madness in Ophelia and the signs and indications that the prince was faking his lunacy. The first indicator is that the depicted madness of Hamlet conforms to the stories told by the use of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Slumdog Millionaire Essay Example for Free
Slumdog Millionaire Essay ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, directed by Danny Boyle, is the uplifting story of a young street boy who exceeds expectations and wins big on the TV game show ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. ’ Two key themes that the film highlights are Money and Justice, an example of these themes being used is that Mumbai is portrayed as a place of terrifying poverty and unforgettable brutality where both money and justice are a thing of scarcity, Justice in particular is seen as favouring the rich while Money is used as a dividing line between the rich and the poor. Slumdog Millionaire’ presents money as something of high value and a symbol of wealth in comparison to the high level of surrounding poverty; this is clearly seen early in the film when gangster boss Javed is being driven through the slums, his rich facade contrasting with the surrounding poverty. The film commonly suggests that money corrupts; this can be seen in many instances such as when Jamal and his brother Salim begin scamming people into tours of the Taj Mahal or how Javed expresses his wealth through a richly decorated house. Matthew 6:24 explains that you either serve God or are a slave to money, this Christian perspective from the gospel ties in with the theme that money corrupts and emphases the fact that Jamal, Salim and Javed where all at a time slaves to money. A key message brought in towards the end of the film is that Money is less important than love, we see this when Salim sets Latika free and sacrifices himself for the preservation of others, it can also be seen when Jamal speaks to Latika over the phone and realising that she is safe no longer cares about the million dollar question at hand. The story line of ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ is centred on the theme of Justice; the Christian view of justice is the ‘Justice of God’ meaning the prevalence of sin. Justice in the film is seen from a variety of perspectives including that of sinful nature, for example, the film glorifies the cheating, lying and stealing that Jamal and Salim undertake to survive. The overall theme evealed towards the end of the film is that in the end justice prevails, this is seen when the bad guy (Javed) dies and Jamal and Latika are finally free to be together (and win 25 million rupees). Psalm 106:3 basically says that blessed are those that do what is right, this Christian perspective supports the films outcome as Salim’s role as a morally decent person is truly blessed with love and wealth in the end. After watching the film and analysing its key points and themes it is clear that ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ is both uplifting and inspiring, it does however explore the harshness and cruelty of reality in the slums of Mumbai, these negative aspects somewhat dominate the film and for this reason I am led to believe that the film lacks hope, the film presents a succession of depressing obstacles that Salim must face, only ending on a positive note. From the Christian gospel: Luke 6:20-21 explains that those that suffer in the present need not fret as they will be joyous in eternity, this statement in my personal opinion summarises the film from a Christian perspective and provides a clear indication that (even if it wasn’t on purpose) themes from the Christian gospel are present throughout the film.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Nurture and Nature :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Nurture and Nature The classic debated topic of nurture versus nature has been, and always will be an argumentative subject in the scientific world. Some psychologists and scientists share the view that our behavioral aspects originate only from the environmental factors of our upbringing. While other opposing specialists argue the outlook in science that agrees with the naturalist idea. This concept of naturalistic ideas supports the hereditary genetic framework, inherited from our parents, is the sole determining factor in our behavioral characteristics. These two opposing viewpoints have produced a multitude of ideas, theories, and arguments in the history of psychology. John Broadus Watson, the father of American behaviorism, greatly reinforced the source of nurture by studying learned and adaptive behavior patterns in our environmental surroundings (Rathus p.13). During this same time of revolutionary ideas in psychology, American psychologist, Arnold Gesell supported the opposite views of Watson. Gesell theorized that "physical and motor growth and development is monitored and regulated by an automatic natural process"(Rathus p.13). Each of these ideas has persisted strongly in the world of psychology from the nineteenth century on into the twentieth, but now a new and united psychology world acknowledges both theories equally. It is imagined, today, that the explanation of our behavioral characteristics originates from both our heredity, and the environment in which we were raised. This report supports the theory that both aspects of nurture, with the addition of nature are involved in and explain our complete behaviors. Many studies and experiments have been conducted in recent years of psychology to give this combined idea its appealing thesis. A great deal of research and experimentation has been conducted in order to solve the puzzling results that derive from situational differences in being raised. The different causes and effects of various situations, focus on the actual importance, and necessity of proper nurturing in childhood development (Turecki). Studies on the early developing years in children show how effects of various environmental situations can cause mixed attitudes, personalities, beliefs, sexual preference, and other behavioral patterns in children (Turecki & Adams). For example, studies have been conducted on whether children that have been raised by single parents are going to develop differently than if both Nurture and Nature :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers Nurture and Nature The classic debated topic of nurture versus nature has been, and always will be an argumentative subject in the scientific world. Some psychologists and scientists share the view that our behavioral aspects originate only from the environmental factors of our upbringing. While other opposing specialists argue the outlook in science that agrees with the naturalist idea. This concept of naturalistic ideas supports the hereditary genetic framework, inherited from our parents, is the sole determining factor in our behavioral characteristics. These two opposing viewpoints have produced a multitude of ideas, theories, and arguments in the history of psychology. John Broadus Watson, the father of American behaviorism, greatly reinforced the source of nurture by studying learned and adaptive behavior patterns in our environmental surroundings (Rathus p.13). During this same time of revolutionary ideas in psychology, American psychologist, Arnold Gesell supported the opposite views of Watson. Gesell theorized that "physical and motor growth and development is monitored and regulated by an automatic natural process"(Rathus p.13). Each of these ideas has persisted strongly in the world of psychology from the nineteenth century on into the twentieth, but now a new and united psychology world acknowledges both theories equally. It is imagined, today, that the explanation of our behavioral characteristics originates from both our heredity, and the environment in which we were raised. This report supports the theory that both aspects of nurture, with the addition of nature are involved in and explain our complete behaviors. Many studies and experiments have been conducted in recent years of psychology to give this combined idea its appealing thesis. A great deal of research and experimentation has been conducted in order to solve the puzzling results that derive from situational differences in being raised. The different causes and effects of various situations, focus on the actual importance, and necessity of proper nurturing in childhood development (Turecki). Studies on the early developing years in children show how effects of various environmental situations can cause mixed attitudes, personalities, beliefs, sexual preference, and other behavioral patterns in children (Turecki & Adams). For example, studies have been conducted on whether children that have been raised by single parents are going to develop differently than if both
Monday, November 11, 2019
A strong women
The person I look up to hit rock bottom at one point and was able to become a better person that they didn't know even existed. Seeing them go through all the obstacles showed me how strong of a person they truly are and made me admire them. This person is my mom. My mom was a high school dropout due to having me at a young age (16). She was trying to raise a child and fight an addiction at the same time. Trying to deal with all these different obstacles can be hard on someone; especially when you feel stuck and like you have nowhere else to go, but my mom ound a better path to be on.My mother's name is Jessica, she is 5 feet 10 inches. In her youth she had dirty blonde hair that was so beautiful and long. She was really thick due to how much alcohol she was consuming and alcohol also makes you consume a lot of food. Jessica also had an accent because she's originally from Georgia. My mom started drinking at the age of 13. It was a constant struggle for my mother, she turned to drink ing because she was in a really depressed state of mind because she felt stuck and didn't really know where she belonged. My mom also grew up in kind of a dysfunctional household with an alcoholic father.Her parents got a divorce and that's when my mom really started drinking a lot. My mom would leave home a lot, even sometimes not come home for days at a time. She would leave me there for her younger brother to take care of. This is a rough patch my mom went through in her life before she became the person she is today. Jessica started going to AA which stands for Alcoholics Anonymous at the age of twenty two. I remember my mom taking me to a few meeting and me being scared ecause I really didn't know what was going on because I was such a young age.My mom relapsed after being clean for about half a year on pain medication. She fell and hurt her neck at work and even when her neck got better she continued taking the pain pills because she thought in her mind that she was really sti ll in pain, but that was Just because she was addicted. The second and final time she relapsed was shortly after she stopped taking the pain pills; she started drinking again like crazy. She eventually stopped drinking at the age of twenty four. At this time I had more of n understanding of what was going on and I was really scared for my mom's life.During this time my father took me away from my mom and immediately after she realized I was gone she tried her hardest to clean up. My mom always says â€Å"It was you that really made me clean up; I couldn't deal with myself if I lost my daughter from choosing alcohol over you. †My mom thankfully made it through this obstacle. My mom received her GED at the age twenty five and started to attend school at Diablo Valley College. She attended Diablo Valley for three years then transferred to University of Berkeley and majored in sociology.My mom is currently attending Grad school at Denver State and is going for Social Work. The s ituation I have seen my mom overcome has given me hope. It takes a really strong person to take themselves off the wrong course and put themselves on the right one. My mom is now creating a bright future for herself and she proved to me that no one can stop you but yourself. I will always continue going to meetings with my mom and being a big support system because I am truly proud of her. Going through obstacles like these can really break a person down.My mom is a person who changed her negative into a positive. She used everything that happened to her as motivation to become a better person because she didn't want to continue to be on the same bad course in her life. My mom being an alcoholic of course brought some negative events into my life at a young age, but I was able to get through it because I saw what she was able to overcome. My mom influenced me to basically be a strong individual and to never give up on yourself because if you work hard enough your dreams will come tr ue.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Claudius Speech †Hamlet Essay
Claudius, the former ruler, husband of his sister and brother of the recently perished king gives a speech at the beginning of Act I. II of Hamlet. Shakespeare’s use of literary devices allows the reader to comprehend the intentions behind Claudius’s figurative language within his coronation speech. The opening scene in Hamlet portrays Denmark to currently be critically unstable and with militaristic chaos; however, in Claudius’s speech he disposes that idea and conveys confidence in the stability of the nation. This chronological set up introduces the theme of appearance vs. reality as Claudius efforts to manipulate the kingdom into trusting that he has everything under control is carried mischievously yet successfully throughout his speech. Aware of the presence of the rightful king, young Hamlet, Claudius commences his speech with an ambiguous line that strikes the attention of Hamlet. Once he is aware of young Hamlet’s attention, he continues to approach the courthouse. He seemingly shows a state of grief as he acknowledges his dead brother. â€Å" My dear brother’s death†the use of alliteration makes us aware that Claudius has used that line several times before in order to show a sign of loss. He wants to appear that has suffered too from this death, he mentions that â€Å" the memory be green†this metaphor is placed to represent the idea that the memory is fresh and it has not been long since he perished, while also leaving a gruesome image of the old kings decomposing body. His first use of anti-thesis is then exposed in line 6, when he mentions â€Å" the wisest sorrows†in that line he is understanding those in grief but reminding them to think of themselves and the future of Denmark instead. After respectfully mentioning the death of Hamlet, and expressing his condolence to the kingdom he deceitfully moves on to the second important announcement: his wedding. Uneasy, Claudius is trying to go about his speech like a metaphorical obstacle course hoping there is no interference or opposition, while still being able to appear as confident. Efficaciously, he presents his marriage â€Å" Therefore our sometime sister, now our queen, Th’ imperial jointress to this warlike state. †Using the state of war as his alaby to the marriage of his brother’s wife he is able to convince the courthouse that it is for the greater good and that his actions are a form of self-sacrifice for the nation. Continuing to justify his marriage as a cause and affect matrimony instead of acts of incest he mentions the â€Å" mirth in funeral †and â€Å"dirge in marriage†. This literary device is important within his speech because it is his second antithesis, and a paradoxical clause. In this he is suggesting that he brought happiness to this sad event for the benefit of his people. â€Å"In equal scale, weighing delight and dole†Claudius is trying to banish the aura of unsteadiness and declares balance. He makes up for the sorrow of his dead brother, by marrying his sister. Even though it is an obvious unusual event, Claudius reflects enough confidence as king and successfully manages avoid any opposition. A good strategy used was his the frequent use of â€Å" we†. This indicated that the king was not only speaking for himself, but he was speaking for everyone like a good statesman would. In reality however, he was doing so to make everyone aware that it was of â€Å" better wisdoms†to agree with him, and that those with worst wisdoms would not face good consequences. Claudius gently expresses his supreme control over Denmark and threatens anyone who dares oppose him in a non-aggressive way. He later finalizes the topic of marriage by dismissing the awkward topic of the table like a typical political â€Å" For all, our thanks†As king, Claudius then addresses the issues with Norway. Assertively, he informs the kingdom of his plan of action. He repeats the line â€Å" dear brother’s death†giving it little sentimental value. He then quickly states that Norway believes that Denmark is â€Å" disjoint and out of frame. †He assures the courthouse that the case is not so, and that they will successfully deal with Fortibras. The irony behind that is that Denmark is weak, regardless of what Claudius wants his people to believe. In order to seem like a man of action Claudius puts his future plan forward â€Å" Thus much the business is we have here writ to Norway, uncle of young Fortibras. †By doing that he convinces many that he is a potent king. Writing to Norway makes him seem like he is aware of what he is doing and that the nation does not need to worry. To complement his assurance he appoints two messengers to deliver a letter, this is significantly important because his objective is to prove to the court that he trusts his officials, ironically thought, he is purposely sending two people incase of a betrayal. Claudius’s speech had a successful outcome. He was able to gently hide his inner insecurities and expose himself as a good statesman and valiant leader. His word usage was essential to the deliverance of his speech as it allowed him to get his awkward points across like unusual marriage to his sister. His use of antithesis did make the reader question the sincerity of his grief, but it did not seem to affect the opinion of the courthouse. He showed clear superiority over everyone within the courthouse, especially Hamlet, while making himself clear that he would not tolerate any disagreement of his coronation. Most importantly, he put an action plan forward and proved himself as king.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Essay Analysis of George Orwells A Hanging
Essay Analysis of George Orwells A Hanging This assignment offers guidelines on how to compose a critical analysis of A Hanging, a classic narrative essay by George Orwell. Preparation Carefully read George Orwells narrative essay A Hanging. Then, to test your understanding of the essay, take our multiple-choice reading quiz. (When youre done, be sure to compare your answers with those that follow the quiz.) Finally, reread Orwells essay, jotting down any thoughts or questions that come to mind. Composition Following the guidelines below, compose a soundly supported critical essay of about 500 to 600 words on George Orwells essay A Hanging. First, consider this brief commentary on the purpose of Orwells essay: A Hanging is not a polemical work. Orwells essay is intended to express by example what it means to destroy a healthy, conscious man. The reader never finds out what crime was committed by the condemned man, and the narrative isnt primarily concerned with providing an abstract argument regarding the death penalty. Instead, through action, description, and dialogue, Orwell focuses on a single event that illustrates the mystery, the unspeakable wrongness, of cutting a life short when it is in full tide. Now, with this observation in mind (an observation that you should feel free to either agree with or disagree with), identify, illustrate, and discuss the key elements in Orwells essay that contribute to its dominant theme. Tips Keep in mind that youre composing your critical analysis for someone who has already read A Hanging. That means you dont need to summarize the essay. Be sure, however, to support all your observations with specific references to Orwells text. As a general rule, keep quotations brief. Never drop a quotation into your paper without commenting on the significance of that quotation. To develop material for your body paragraphs, draw on your reading notes and on points suggested by the multiple-choice quiz questions. Consider, in particular, the importance of point of view, setting, and the roles served by particular characters (or character types). Revision and Editing After completing a first or second draft, rewrite your composition. Be sure to read your work aloud when you revise, edit, and proofread. You may hear problems in your writing that you cant see.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Business Analysis Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business Analysis Project - Research Paper Example The company headquarters are at Irving in Texas and employs about 80,000 people (, 2012). Exxon Mobil has been marked with a higher market value than any other publicly-traded company in the world. History: Exxon Mobil Corporation is a merger of Exxon and Mobil, two great oil industry titans in the past century. The historic background of these two companies is a notable one and heads back to 19th century, when these two companies were established. Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (Exxon) and Standard Oil Companies of New Jersey (Mobil) were formed from John D. Rockfeller’s Standard Oil Trust which was started in 1870. With the increase in oil resources and implementation of various advanced techniques, they emerged as greatest oil corporations and formed individual identities for each. They indeed created a great impact to the American economy in the past century. Even after the dissolution of Standard Oil Trust in 1911, they subsisted to expand and grew in terms of their production, refining and research, making them leading companies in the oil and gas industry. Since the end of the World War 2, the company expanded its market to more than 100 countries. The companies stayed separate for nearly 87 years, until they signed a definitive agreement that the two would merge and form a new company, namely, Exxon Mobil Corporation. ... Current Operations and Projects: Exxon Mobil involves in three major operations, mainly upstream, downstream and chemicals. Being the leading oil company in the world, Exxon Mobil has faced various ups and downs in the recent decades. For instance, In February 2010, Exxon Mobil reported $310.58 billion in revenue in fiscal year 2009. In fiscal year 2008, it reported $477.35 billion in revenue. (Taque, 2010). It is estimated that though there are rises in oil prices, there will be higher downstream revenue with the increasing demand for the energy resources among the developing countries. There was a decline in liquids production of the company which was subsequently compensated by the increase of the gas production. Exxon has come up with a discovery in the Gulf of Mexico in the past year and is beginning to work over the Julia deepwater fields in the future. The company has set up establishing new explorations in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Russian Arctic area. â€Å"More explora tion is expected to happen in the U.S. with the government selling leases in the GoM and granting licenses in Alaska.†(Forbes, 2012). Its major development project includes the Kashakan project at Kazakhstan and the West Qurna field which is showing a great progress. The gas output of the company has been greatly increased by the shale exploration in U.S. â€Å"Exxon is also a partner in the $15.7 billion Papua New Guinea LNG project in Australia†. (Forbes, 2012). With its ongoing projects at Iraq, Kazakhstan and LNG projects in Australia, the company’s output volume will favorably increase with its production. Exxon Mobil is currently conducting test runs at its new
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Sam 386 unit 8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sam 386 unit 8 - Assignment Example A contract must include the names of both or more parties involved. The parties when dealing with businesses must include the type of entity and state of establishment. The scope of the work describes in detail the things that must be done to comply with the terms of the contract. It also includes a specific list of deliverables for the project and a process for expanding the scope of work, should the client want you to provide additional services (Artofbusiness, 2014). The precise terms of the contract and the timeline for delivery of the contract are important elements. The project manager must provide progress reports to upper management about the completion status of the project. The payment details is probably the most important element of a service contract. The contract must clearly states who owns any patents, copyright, or trademarks that are product during the course of business of the
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